Gopi Shanker

Advisor at Tevard Biosciences

Gopi Shanker is the Chief Scientific Officer of Tevard Biosciences. He has over two decades of broad drug discovery experience ranging from developing target concepts to advancing molecules through clinical development. He has a strong background across multiple drug modalities including small molecules, biologics, and gene therapies for various CNS indications including schizophrenia, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain, and migraine as well as several rare neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases.

Prior to Tevard Gopi was at the Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research (NIBR), where he most recently served in the capacity of Head of Neuroscience with responsibility for strategic oversight of the entire neuroscience portfolio, encompassing psychiatric, neurodevelopmental, and neurological disorders, and as a member of the neuroscience clinical development and commercial franchise leadership team. During his tenure at Novartis, Gopi advanced multiple new therapeutic programs through late preclinical and clinical development, including the global regulatory approval of Aimovig®. With a leadership role in drug discovery and early-stage clinical development, he was responsible for expanding Novartis’ portfolio in psychiatry and developing a portfolio of gene therapy programs targeting neurodevelopmental disorders. He was also instrumental in several key partnerships including with the Stanley Center (Broad Institute), Amgen, and Sangamo as well as the acquisition of Cadent Therapeutics. Prior to joining Novartis, Gopi led several drug discovery programs at Amgen and Regeneron.


  • Advisor

    Current role

  • Chief Scientific Officer