Mark Stewart

MD, Medicare & Medicaid Services at The Bizzell Group

Mark Stewart is the current MD of Medicare & Medicaid Services at The Bizzell Group. Prior to this, they were a Principal Researcher at the American Institutes for Research, where they worked on performance measurement, quality improvement and patient safety. Mark also led the Measurement & Improvement Practice at Econometrica, Inc., where they worked on developing, specifying and implementing quality measures for the Programs for All-Inclusive Care of the Elderly. Mark has also served as the V.P. of External Relations at Delmarva Foundation and as a Science & Medicine Advisor at the American Heart Association.

Mark Stewart has a MPH in Global Health from The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, a B.A. in Political Science and Spanish from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and has studied abroad in Spanish at Universidad de Valladolid and Universidad de Xalapa, A.C. Mark is certified in Patient Safety, Quality & Safety, and Quality Improvement from IHI.

Mark Stewart reports to Anton C. Bizzell, CEO. Mark Stewart works with Adrienne Y. Semidey - VP, Learning & Engagement, Rhonda Waller - MD, Maternal & Child Health, and Yolande B. Long - Director, People Operations.

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