Denise Carbone

Executive Vice President, CFO & Treasurer at The Savings Bank

Denise Carbone is the Executive Vice President, CFO, and Treasurer at The Savings Bank. Denise was previously the Treasurer at StonehamBank from May 1998 to July 2014. In their role as Treasurer, Denise was responsible for the preparation of financial reports and presentations to the Finance Committee and Senior Management Team. Denise also interacted and strategized with internal and external vendors, such as internal audit, external audit, examiners, and core processor relationship manager. In addition, Denise was a member of the Investment Committee and oversaw the investment portfolio. Denise was also responsible for Bank tax returns, including quarterly estimates. Lastly, Denise was part of the Strategic Plan and Budget process, communicating the results to the entire organization and presenting monthly updates to the Finance Committee and Board of Directors.

Denise Carbone has a degree in accounting and finance from the University of Phoenix. Denise has worked in the accounting and finance field for over 20 years.

Denise Carbone works with Jeff P. D’Alessandro - Senior Vice President, Senior Retail Lending Officer, Peter W. Johnston - Senior Vice President, Senior Commercial Banking Officer, and Kathleen M. Conary - Senior Vice President, Compliance & Audit. Their manager is Robert J. DiBella, President & CEO.