The Temple News


The Temple News (TTN) is the editorially independent weekly newspaper of Temple University. It prints 5,000 copies to be distributed primarily on Temple's Main Campus every Tuesday. A staff of 24, supported by more than 150 writers, is responsible for designing, reporting and editing the 20-page pap... Read more





Org chart

Jimmy Fallon
Director Of Audience Engagement
Maggie Fitzgerald
Director Of Audience Engagement
Claire Zeffer
Opinion Editor
Declan Landis
Sports Editor
John Branyan
Data Editor
Lyndsey Griswold
Print Design Editor
Molly Fiske
Features Editor
Noel Chacko
Staff Photographer
Pablo Rouco
Podcast Editor
Robert Joseph Cruz
Photo Editor
Sarah Frasca
Managing Editor
Valeria Uribe
Assistant Opinion Editor
Billy Penn
The American Prospect.
Kajsa Morse
Multimedia Editor
Sidney Rochnik
News Editor