Joy L. Upshaw

VP & Chief Nursing Officer at TMC Healthcare

Joy L. Upshaw serves as vice president and chief nursing officer for TMC HealthCare, focusing on the ways nursing practice and development shape quality and safety initiatives as well as patient experience.

Upshaw has more than 14 years of clinical leadership devoted to enhancing the quality of care provided by nursing. She has a reputation for outstanding leadership in a wide and diverse range of nursing areas, including oncology, orthopedics, cardiac, maternal-child health, emergency department, same-day services, respiratory therapy, and intensive care.

Before her service with TMC, Upshaw served in a chief nursing role for five years for a large nonprofit osteopathic academic medical center as well as two years in a rural-hospital environment. She is known for developing and fostering effective nursing leadership teams.

Upshaw serves on the board of a nonprofit organization ensuring underserved kids have food at home. Earlier in her career, she was recognized as Oklahoma’s first 100 Great Nurses.

Upshaw earned both a Bachelor of Science in nursing and a Master of Business Administration from Oklahoma Wesleyan University.

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