Yumi Otsuka

Chief Sustainability Officer at Toyota Motor Corporation

Yumi Otsuka was born on November 19, 1968. She graduated from Osaka University with a bachelor's degree in law in March 1992, and joined Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) in April of the same year.

She became project general manager of MIRAI Project Department, Product Management Division in January 2012. She was promoted to general manager of MIRAI Project Department, Product & Business Planning Division in January 2014.

In January 2016, she became general manager of Administration Department, Toyota Planning Division 1.

In August 2017, she became general manager of GR Development Management Division. She was promoted to field general manager of GR Planning Field in January 2019. She was appointed executive vice president of GAZOO Racing Company in April of the same year. She became senior general manager of GR Planning Field in January 2020.

In February 2020, she was appointed fellow of Sustainability Management Department as well as deputy chief sustainability officer.

In June 2021, she was promoted to operating officer and to chief sustainability officer. She is also in charge of Sustainability Management Department.


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