Kate Pohl

Head of Banking & Corporate Sales at Traxpay

Kate Pohl has been working in the financial industry for over 20 years. Kate started their career at Dresdner Bank / Commerzbank in 1996 as a bank teller. Kate quickly rose through the ranks and became a Filialleiter at Exchange AG Deutschland in 2002.

In 2018, Kate became the Head of Banking & Corporate Sales at Traxpay, a leading provider of B2B payment solutions.

Kate is a highly respected figure in the financial world and is known for their dedication to their work. Kate is a strong advocate for women in the workforce and is passionate about helping businesses grow and succeed.

Some of their coworkers include Birgit Hass - Head of Marketing & Communications, Sven Weissmann - CSO, and Jan Osenegg - Head of Finance. Kate Pohl reports to Thomas Fuhrmann, Managing Director & Head of Delivery.


  • Head of Banking & Corporate Sales

    Current role