Universidad de Lima


Universidad de Lima - 50 Años Formando Líderes





Org chart

Don Jorge Ruíz
Gerente General

Don Jorge Ruíz

Nadia Rodríguez Rodríguez
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering
Enrique Bonilla Di Tolla
Dean of the Faculty of Architecture
Elízabeth Otero Ibáñez
Dean of the Faculty of Business & Economics
Ronald Cárdenas Krenz
Dean of the Faculty of Law
Carlos Rivadeneyra Olcese
Dean, Faculty of Communication
Alexandre Almeida Del Savio
Director, Civil Engineering Program
Fernando Hoyos Rengifo
Director, General Studies Program
Liliana Lazo Rodríguez
Director, Management Program
Javier Alfredo Flores Hernández
Director, Marketing Program
Fernando Roberto Kato Goray
Computer Science & Systems Bureau
Miguel Shinno
Director, Industrial Engineering Program
Guillermo Rafael Boitano Castro
Director, Economics Program
Merssy Luisa Quispe Velásquez
Planning & Accreditation Bureau
Carlos Domínguez Scholz
Director of the International Business Program
María Lourdes Emmerich De Haro
Director of the Accounting & Finance Program
Fernando Iriarte
Director, Library