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Velocity Procurement


Velocity Procurement is engaged in providing procurement consulting, technology, and services.

Org chart

T Grant Dearborn's profile picture
T Grant Dearborn
Co-Founder, Managing Partner
Profile photo

T Grant Dearborn

Aaron Regensburg's profile picture
Aaron Regensburg
Vice President of Procurement Solutions
Ashleigh Pickens' profile picture
Ashleigh Pickens
Business Development Manager
Brian Shuey's profile picture
Brian Shuey
Executive Vice President of Procurement Solutions
Danielle L.'s profile picture
Danielle L.
Sr Manager
David Jack's profile picture
David Jack
Senior Manager, Digital Transformation
Dianna Schell's profile picture
Dianna Schell
Vice President Of Corporate Services
Jeff Bromberek
Digital Transformation Manager
Peter Hepburn
Senior Manager
Roger Russell
Senior Manager, Digital Transformation
David Pastore
Senior Vice President
Tim Weeks
Executive Vice President