VINCI Airports

1 follower

As the world’s leading private airport operator, VINCI Airports operates +70 airports in 13 countries. Drawing on its expertise as a comprehensive integrator, VINCI Airports develops, finances, builds and operates airports, leveraging its investment capability and know-how to optimise the operationa... Read more


Nanterre, FR




Org chart

Nicolas Notebaert's profile picture
Nicolas Notebaert
CEO of VINCI Concessions & President
Profile photo

Nicolas Notebaert

Delphine Dansaert -Rocher's profile picture
Delphine Dansaert -Rocher
Chief Procurement Officer- Directeur Achats
Julien Bert
COO - Nantes Atlantique
Pierre-Hugues Schmit
Chief Commercial And Operational Officer
Damien Stéphan's profile picture
Damien Stéphan
CFO - Brazil (salvador Bahia Airport And Amazonia Airports)
Rémi Maumon de Longevialle's profile picture
Rémi Maumon de Longevialle
Chief Financial Officer
Sébastien Lacoin's profile picture
Sébastien Lacoin
CKTS - Transformation And Quality Director
Cheikh Daff
Chief Human Resources Officer
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