Board of Directors


The board of directors at Vogellanden has a history of experience in various industries and types of education. Some specific companies that the board has experience with include VTOI-NVTK, NCD - Nederlandse vereniging van Commissarissen en Directeuren, ERLY, the consulting company, NVZD - Vereniging van bestuurders in de zorg, Professional Partners NL, Omgevingsdienst Achterhoek, Graafschap bibliotheken, Van Ede & Partners, Dimence, and Leveste. The board's members have also studied at different universities such as Sioo, interuniversitair centrum voor organisatie- en veranderkunde, Focus Conferences - Nijenrode, SIOO Interuniversitair centrum voor verandermanagement en organisatiekunde, Universiteit Twente, Centrum voor Schone Technologie en Milieubeleid, Marianum, and Radboud University. Because of this wide range of experience and education, the board is able to offer a variety of perspectives on any given issue.

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