WOMCY, LATAM Women in Cybersecurity

1 follower

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization - made up of women - with a focus on the development of Cybersecurity in Latin America. Our objective is minimize the knowledge gap and the lack of talent in Cybersecurity in Latin America. We offer “Advice on Cybersecurity”. Our programs are: ENTERPRISE S... Read more





Org chart

Leticia Gammill
Founder & President - Womcy

Leticia Gammill

Andréa Thomé
Head Do Conselho No Brasil
Aimed Pimentel
Lider México Para Womcy
Alma Ortiz
Womcy Geek Leader
Ana Laura Chalico Tenorio
Program Leader Womcytalks
Charlie Coulange
Womcy US Volunteer
Pmp® Cristiane Perin
Lider Do Programa De Voluntarios Brasil
Jasmin Trejo
Liliam Patricia S.
Volunteer Womcys
Livia Clozel
Legal Committee Member
Luciana Dias
Voluntária Na Womcy
Marcos Santana
Voluntário Na Womcy Latam Women In Cybersecurity
María Durán Roja
Women In Cybersecurity Volunteer
Nelly Vazquez
Lider Membership Womcy Mexico