David Ngilangwa

Lead Research Consultant at YLabs

Dr. David Ngilangwa is a trained public health specialist and epidemiologist. He brings over 15 years experience of designing and managing mixed methods research projects. Prior joining the team, he worked with different research institutions in Tanzania and Kenya

including; African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Amref Health Africa and RTI International. He is passionate in producing evidence to inform practices, programs and policies. He has track record of designing, coordinating, implementing and directing research and evaluations projects targeting different populations including youth. He has authored and co-authored numerous papers in peer-reviewed

journals and reports documenting issues around Sexual and Reproductive Health, maternal health, HIV/AIDS, NCDs and digital health among the others. Dr. Ngilangwa has presented papers in local and international scientific conferences.

Dr. Ngilangwa holds a MSc in International Health conferred jointly by four European Universities; Charite University, Germany; University of Copenhagen, Denmark; University College London; United Kingdom; and University of Bergen, Norway. He also holds PhD in Public Health from the University of Western Cape, South Africa.

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