YMCA of Greater Toronto

1 follower

Everyone deserves a chance to shine. That’s why the YMCA of Greater Toronto is committed to promoting equity and boosting well-being across the GTA — but as a charity, we don’t do it alone. When many think of the Y, a charity may not be the first thing that comes to mind — but our ability to ignite... Read more


Toronto, Canada




Org chart

Lesley Davidson
President And CEO

Lesley Davidson

Ali Kashani
Chief Development Officer
Debbie Sevenpifer
Chief Financial Officer
Janie Romoff
Chief Operating Officer
Rahima Mamdani
Chief People Officer
Alex Versluis
Senior Vice President, Property Management
Craig Bradley
Senior Vice President, Information Technology
Jim Janzen
Senior Vice President, Ontario Regional Development Centre
Linda Cottes
Senior Vice President, Child & Family Development
Nora Gorman
Senior Vice President, Marketing And Communications
Tammy Macdonald
Senior Vice President, YMCA Health And Fitness
Mehdi Zobeiry
Vice President / General Manager Central YMCA
Michael Hall
Vice President, Program Research And Development
Sibel Cicek
Director/general Manager Of Government Relations