Xavier Jennings

Director at YouthBuild

Xavier Jennings is the equity and leadership manager at Mile High Youth Corps (MHYC). He is also on MHYC’s staff Program Leadership Team and oversees the agency’s leadership and alumni councils. Xavier is responsible for providing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives and trainings to MHYC’s staff, AmeriCorps members, Board of Directors, and other stakeholders. He also oversees the agency’s leadership development curricula, which aims to increase opportunities for youth participants to advance their skills and uplift their voices. As a creative and dynamic facilitator, he implements leadership trainings within each program.

While searching for a job in his late teens, Xavier found an opportunity to join MHYC’s YouthBuild program in Denver, CO. There, he earned his GED, developed skills to become self-sufficient, and made strides to improve his future. He graduated in 2008 and then served as a YouthBuild alumni mentor until being promoted to staff in 2010.

As a full-time staff member at MHYC, Xavier currently manages the same YouthBuild program he attended. He teaches classes and works directly with opportunity youth ages 18 to 24 as they pursue their education, prepare for future careers, and grow into community leaders. He is committed to removing some of the barriers opportunities youth faces and providing them with the support they needed growing up. He has represented YouthBuild USA nationally, proudly serving on YouthBuild USA’s VOICES and National Alumni councils.