Explore 4,167 companies in Denmark
Amalo is Denmark's leading expert in solar panels and heat pump installations. Established by Rasmus Høtoft, an engineer from DTU with authorized plumbing and electrical installation expertise, and Kristian Frølund Jørgensen, a Datatechnician from TechCollege in Aalborg, the company offers specializ
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VORES TÆNDER Tandklinik er en tandlægeklinik som tilbyder en række behandlinger relateret til mundhygiejne og tandpleje, herunder rutinemæssige undersøgelser også kaldt tandeftersyn, tandrensninger, fyldninger, tandudtrækninger, rodbehandlinger, tandproteser, tandregulering og kosmetiske tandbehandl
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Growblocks. Predictable revenue, made actionable.
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hiveonline is building sustainable decentralized finance for financially excluded smallholders and their local ecosystems, by giving them access to credit and markets.
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Mikkeller is a microbrewery founded in 2006 in Copenhagen, Denmark that was originally based on the so-called "cuckoo", "phantom" or "gypsy" ethos; that is, the company did not operate an official brewery and, instead, collaborated with other brewers t...
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Tag en bachelor- eller akademiudddannelse, et kursus eller en efteruddannelse indenfor business, pædagogik, sundhed eller teknologi. Læs om forskning, udvikling og innovation.
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Virksomheders evne til at indsamle, behandle og anvende data har skabt helt nye muligheder for datadrevne services og løsninger. Videncenteret er med til at forberede eleverne til et datadrevet arbejdsmarked.
Plesner is one of Denmark's leading law firms. We maintain special focus on assignments involving our clients' material assets, and our clients especially come to us for solutions to such assignments.
Preferred by Nature is an international non-profit organisation working to support better land management and business practices that benefit people, nature and the climate. We do this through a unique combination of sustainability certification services, projects supporting awareness raising, and c
Danske Commodities is an energy trading company, specializing in short-term power and gas trading.
SDC is a full-service IT center that develops innovative effective banking solutions for millions of bank customers across the Nordics. That’s why we are constantly challenging ourselves to build solid bridges between strong user experiences and effectiveness – and we are among the leading compani
We invite you to join the community of Danish Red Cross. Maybe you want to work in our organisation, have dreams of being a volunteer, want to partner up and make business or are just a curious person. We share our knowledge and invites you yo be an active participant. Red Cross volunteers provide
Danish owned IT-company in Ukraine and Poland About: A Danish company offering custom software development and IT consulting services to European clients since 2004. Founded by professionals with over 20 years of IT experience. InterLogic has headquarters in Aarhus (Denmark), as well as developm
Vi arbejder for at styrke tilliden i samfundet og være med til at løse væsentlige problemstillinger. Det gør vi med udgangspunkt i vores viden inden for revision, skat og rådgivning. Vores kunder kommer fra alle dele af erhvervslivet og den offentlige sektor, og vi er flere end 2.500 medarbejdere og
With over 40,000 students and more than 9,000 employees, the University of Copenhagen is the largest institution of research and education in Denmark.
The Agency for Governmental IT Services is an agency of the Ministry of Finance group, which provides IT services to eight ministries and their 10000 users. The Agency for Governmental IT Services is responsible for operating an effective IT support service and for ensuring a high-quality and co
World-leading all-inclusive supplier of climate and farm management for animal production.
Selskabets formål er at udvikle, sælge og vedligeholde hardware og software indenfor EDB-branchen, herunder køb og salg iøvrigt af maskiner og tilbehør i tilknytning til ovennævnte
Skab smukke og behagelige rum med vores brede sortiment af flotte loftplader og vægpaneler, og opnå et godt akustisk indeklima. Komplette loftløsninger.
Arbejdernes Landsbank blev etableret i 1919, hvor aktiekapitalen kom fra en række fagforbund og kooperative virksomheder. I dag er banken fortsat ejet af fagbevægelsen og dens medlemmer, men vi har også mere end 23.000 private aktionærer. Arbejdernes Landsbank er kendt for at drive en sund og sta
The Danish Institute for Human Rights is an independent state-funded institution. We are Denmark’s national human rights institution. We are also a national equality body in relation to race and ethnicity and gender. We also have a special role in the disability area where we promote and monitor t
Selskabets formål er at drive virksomhed med formidling af udlejning af ferieboliger samt anden virksomhed
Arla Foods Ingredients is a global leader in improving premium nutrition. Together with our customers, research partners, suppliers, NGOs and others, we discover and deliver ingredients and products that can advance lifelong nutrition for the benefit of consumers around the world. A passion for pr
Det Kongelige Teater er Danmarks nationalscene. Teatret producerer scenekunst af høj kunstnerisk kvalitet inden for skuespil, ballet, opera og klassiske koncerter. Teateret viderefører klassiske traditioner og udvikler den nutidige scenekunst til et bredt publikum. Det Kongelige Teater er fra 1748 o
Moalem Weitemeyer is a dedicated Tier 1 Corporate M&A law firm with strong international relations. We operate an experienced Disputes & Investigations team. We have all the legal support areas required to deliver first-in-class advice to our clients across any sector and industry. We are a profes
ReDI School of Digital Integration is a non-profit organization with focus on digital empowerment of women with refuge and immigrant status in Copenhagen. We provide talented women with free, high-quality training and the chance to join the digital industry.
FOA er Danmarks tredjestørste fagforbund - med ca. 189.000 medlemmer fordelt på 41 afdelinger. Størstedelen er ansat i kommuner og regioner og en mindre del er privat ansatte. FOAs medlemmer passer børn, plejer patienter på hospitaler og plejehjem, slukker brande,yder hjælp og service til ældre
Selskabets formål er handel, håndværk og industri samt finansieringsvirksomhed
Selskabets formål er at være holdingselskab i form af besiddelse af kapitalinteresser i datterselskaber, der udøver forsynings- eller kommerciel virksomhed samt at varetage ledelse, administration, teknisk service og finansiel virksomhed for selskaberne i TRE-FOR koncernen, at eje, udleje og adminis
Shape Games is a digital B-to-B platform and service provider for the iGaming industry.
Sparekassens formål er at drive pengeinstitutvirksomhed samt anden virksomhed, der er accessorisk hertil.
Effective People believes that the best-run businesses are those that focus on utilizing their technology to support their people—not the other way around. We help our clients plan and execute successful digital transformation journeys while offering continued support and application management serv
We what to create a strong connection between the organization and partners. AE Partner specializes in designing and producing complex automation systems and electrical panels since 1996. Over time we have gained experience and are exporting our panels worldwide which are always qualified to meet
We design places for life. All life. SLA is an internationally renowned nature-based design studio. For 30 years, we have designed some of the most notable public spaces and masterplans in the world. Our work solves the biggest challenges facing our Earth today: From climate crisis and biological
Making display advertising simple, relevant, rewarding for advertisers, agencies and publishers
Harboe's Bryggeri A/S has a long tradition of being among the front runners in the European brewery sector. Since the early beginning in 1883, Harboe has gradually expanded its activities from a local Danish brewery to a modern, international beverage group with subsidiaries in 5 countries and busin
Selskabets formål er at handle med energiprodukter og produkter og tjenesteydelser relateret hertil samt at drive transportvirksomhed og anden virksomhed, med eller uden forbindelse med hovedformålet. Selskabet kan foretage investering i andre selskaber.
Orifarm is one of the largest European suppliers of parallel imported and generic pharmaceuticals. We provide high-quality pharmaceuticals at a low cost, and our ambition is to be the number one in making healthcare a better deal while creating value and savings for society and consumers. Internatio
Capital Four is an independent industry-leading credit asset management boutique rooted in Scandinavian culture. We are focused on finding the right solutions for our clients by carefully considering their needs and requirements. We leverage over 20 years of experience, enabling us to find new pers
ZILLION Consulting Group is a fast-growing Scandinavian based consultancy established to support business organisations in end-to-end transformations. Through exclusive collaboration with highly recognized professionals, we offer the most recent know-how and outstanding expertise to help industrial
C WorldWide Asset Management is a focused and independent asset manager. Our objective is to deliver consistent, long term asset growth for our clients. The combination of a unique investment philosophy based on careful stock-picking and long-term global trends coupled with a stable team of experien
Andel er en energi- og fibernetkoncern. Vi driver Danmarks længste elnet, tilbyder lynhurtigt internet, udruller ladeinfrastruktur til elbiler og skaber energirigtige løsninger til hjemmet og arbejdspladsen. - Vi arbejder for at skabe velfærd og vækst gennem vital infrastruktur og vedvarende energi
MapsPeople develops a cloud-based SaaS indoor navigation platform that allows end-users to easily navigate large and complex buildings.
Monta is an all-in-one EV charging app made by EV drivers, for EV drivers. As the EV market worldwide is experiencing an unstoppable growth, we want to provide all electric car drivers with the best and smoothest charging experience. In order to support this green and global change, Monta is work
HARCO Heavy Lifting is a team of specialists witin handling, servicing and installing offshore wind turbines. By applying our extensive experience, we assist our customers in achieving their goals. We are experts in conducting service, repairs and mobilization of offshore equipment - and we serve as
Totalkredit bygger på et unikt samarbejde. Lokale og regionale pengeinstitutter – der til dagligt konkurrerer benhårdt om kunderne – har siden 1990 samarbejdet om at tilbyde deres privatkunder realkreditlån fra Totalkredit. Dermed får kunderne gode og sunde realkreditprodukter kombineret med perso
The DAT-Schaub Group is a World leader in the natural and artificial casing industry.
BLÜCHER - Keeping up the flow BLÜCHER was founded in 1965 by Johannes Blücher Skibild, a skilled and visionary plumber with both feet on the ground. Today, BLÜCHER is one of Europe's leading producers of stainless steel drainage systems with subsidiaries and sales offices across Europe, in Russia,
Codeex is a company with three primary business areas solutions storage, servers, consulting services, development and hosting of IT infrastructure, network integration, and outsourcing of operations, operations, and support. Warehousing and logistics, development and design of warehousing and logis