Explore 14,379 companies in Government
This is the official site of St Nicholas Markets, also known as "St Nicks Markets", Bristol City Council.
De Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT) is de toezichthouder van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat. Met 1.600 medewerkers zet de ILT zich dagelijks in voor een duurzame en veilige leefomgeving, veilig transport en het vertrouwen in publieke instellingen zoals woningcorporaties.
The Human Capital Leadership Institute’s (HCLI) mission is to help organisations accelerate leadership development and strategic human capital management capabilities in Asia, for a globalized Asia. The Institute achieves this by driving Pan-Asian industry-relevant research, creating cutting-edge ex
The VT Department of Liquor & Lottery provides a regulatory framework for the responsible sale and consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and gaming entertainment, ensuring public safety and contributing 100% of profits to Vermont communities through the General and Education funds.
Founded in 1967, the Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that serves Vermont's municipal officials. The League provides: ■Educational workshops and consulting advice for municipal officials so that they can deliver excellent service to their citizens
PHFE WIC is the largest local WIC agency in the US, with 39 offices serving 180,000 people in Los Angeles County, Orange County, and San Bernardino County. The Women, Infants & Children (WIC) program is a supplemental nutrition program to help pregnant people, infants and children (up to age five) e
Founded in 1990, the Institute on Governance (IOG) is an independent, Canada-based, not-for-profit public interest institution with its head office in Ottawa and an office in Toronto. Our mission is ‘advancing better governance in the public interest,’ which we accomplish by exploring, developing an
Hutchinson is a city of the first class with a council-manager form of government. The city council consists of five members. For purposes of representation in the council, the city is divided into four districts with one council member elected to a four-year term from each district. The fifth counc
Kaipara District Council is the territorial authority for the Kaipara district, Northland, New Zealand. We will work with the community to preserve our heritage, enhance our environment, and provide the best possible services and facilities to make Kaipara an excellent place to live.
Epic Government provides healthcare solutions to federal agencies. From health program management to quality healthcare personnel, we are mission driven to improving healthcare outcomes to the military and veteran communities. MISSION DRIVEN.DEDICATED PEOPLE. Memberships: Coalition for Government
The work of the Australian Public Service (APS) touches almost every part of Australian life. We provide policy advice to the Australian government on everything from national health to foreign policy. We work all over Australia and internationally to manage the delivery of programs, regulations an
We're your go-to problem solvers in the KSA. As trusted partners to governments, SMEs and blue-chips worldwide, AEI Saudi offers practical support for all types of businesses seeking expansion into the Kingdom. From first contact to first contract, we can accelerate your set-up and help you to avoid
We believe that scientific research and technological developments are key components to further economic growth and national development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and we operate and manage the following activities: Supporting the National Research, Development and Innovation Strategy KACST p
FASTER Asset Solutions provides fleet management software for every type of business. Our core product focuses on asset management, with features like vehicle lifecycle tracking, parts and maintenance tracking, business intelligence and reporting, and even accounting and billing. We also offer conve
Who We Are: We are a student and young alum led non-profit bringing together students, community organizations and universities to combat campus sexual violence by empowering survivors and students to write, file, and fight for their own protections and support into law. Currently on the ground in
Since 1987, Rowland has completed hundreds of millions of dollars of projects for governmental owners in the areas of manhole rehabilitation, lift station rehabilitation, sanitary sewer construction, storm sewer construction, water main constructions, reclaimed water construction, concrete construct
SIKB is een netwerkorganisatie waarbinnen overheid en bedrijfsleven samen praktijkgerichte kwaliteitsrichtlijnen maken voor bodem, water, archeologie, bodembescherming en datastandaarden. Doel is kwaliteitsborging en -verbetering bij marktpartijen en overheden (in hun verschillende rollen: als opdra
Wisconsin (/wɪˈskɒnsɪn/) is a US state located in the north-central, Midwest and Great Lakes regions of the country.
We’re a non-partisan technology startup at The White House founded by President Obama in 2014. Our mission is to deliver better government services and improve the lives of all Americans. We’re often referred to as the “Peace Corps for geeks” and were born after we helped rescue Healthcare.gov when
Company website: www.bestsolutions.ee Mobile-ID website: www.asanimza.az B.EST Solutions founded in 2009, is a fast-growing IT-services company and solutions provider active in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Republic of Estonia and Azerbaijan. Our strengt
The Idaho Department of Labor connects job seekers with employment opportunities, supports workers through career and life transitions and administers state labor laws. We are committed to ensuring access to a comprehensive menu of quality services and information for all our customers and partner
Turussa tehdään tänäänkin lisää historiaa. Viihtyisä ja karismaattinen yliopistokaupunki uudistuu ja kasvaa rohkeasti, tavoitteena kaupunkilaisten elämisen laadun ja elinkeinoelämän menestyksen edistäminen kestävällä tavalla. * * * I Åbo görs historia även idag. Åbo är en trivsam och karismatisk u
Diartis AG entwickelt und vertreibt Softwarelösungen für das Fallmanagement. Von unseren Kunden und Interessenten in der Schweiz werden wir als Partner erster Wahl wahrgenommen. Zu unseren rund 400 Kundinnen und Kunden zählen Schweizer Bundesstellen, Kantone, Städte und Gemeinden. Über 90 Mitarbeit
At the City of Royse City we strive to preserve our hometown atmosphere, to serve the community through responsible government and provide a safe environment, which promotes, enhances and develops a higher quality of life for our citizens.
The Gauteng Department of Education is a provincial government department under the Gauteng Provincial Government responsible for overseeing and regulating the basic education system in the Gauteng province of South Africa in accordance with the South African Schools Act of 1996. The Gauteng Depar
Authorium is the industry leader in Document Process Automation, providing a transformative enterprise solution for city, state, and federal government agencies with complex document-centric processes. Whether in Admin, Policy, HR, Budgeting, Contracts, Grants, or Procurements, Authorium accelerates
RedOrange is a globally networked, full-service government contractor. We are an all- inclusive in-house solutions firm that works with United States federal government agencies. Founded upon Biblical principles and patriotism, we partner with small businesses and build strategic relationships that
The Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs seeks to improve the conditions for business in Denmark. The Ministry conducts thorough economic analyses and suggests policy initiatives in areas imperative to economic growth. The Ministry is responsible for a number of policy areas which a
Strategic Resilience Group (SRG) is dedicated to fortifying the resilience of individuals, organizations, and systems. We excel in molding teams and systems into robust entities, adept at handling complex missions. At SRG, our drive is fueled by the pursuit of innovative solutions tailored to addres
Microware Limited (Microware) is a Hong Kong based IT infrastructure solutions provider with over 35 years of experience in providing IT solution services for Hong Kong Government, educational institutions, public bodies and commercial organizations. From deploying basic infrastructure blocks and p
The Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana is a sovereign tribal government federally recognized in 1981, with ancestral roots tracing back to the late 1700s. With membership exceeding 1,200 individuals, primarily residing in Louisiana, Texas, and Illinois, the Tribe's impact reaches far and wide. As the
Fairtradegemeente Hoeilaart ligt in de Vlaamse rand rond Brussel, in het centrum van Vlaams-Brabant, en wordt omgeven door het prachtige Zoniënwoud. Als bakermat van de Belgische serredruif is de gemeente ook bekend als het Glazen Dorp. De laatste jaren profileert Hoeilaart zich ook als woonplaats v
The NYSC scheme was created in a bid to reconstruct, reconcile and rebuild the country after the Nigerian Civil war. The unfortunate antecedents in our national history gave impetus to the establishment of the National Youth Service Corps by decree No.24 of 22nd May 1973 which stated that the NYSC i
In Sweden, the Migration Agency is the authority that considers applications from people who want to take up permanent residence in Sweden, come for a visit, seek protection from persecution or become Swedish citizens. The Swedish Migration Agency is commissioned by parliament and government, who
CSN approves and sends out Swedish financial aid for studies, which includes both grants and loans to students in Sweden and abroad. CSN also handle repayment of the loans. Home equipment loans, which give non-citizens (mostly refugees) the chance to get off to a good start in Sweden, are also am
Maximus is a global leader in health and employment services. In the UK, we have operations in over 270 locations across England, Scotland and Wales and employ over 3,800 highly trained staff to deliver employment, disability and health services to more than 2 million people each year. We partner w
Première ville du Québec pour sa volonté de réussir...
A Metropolitan Local Authority in South Yorkshire serving a population of 244,000 residents. Delivering a diverse range of public services across Growth and Sustainability, Children's Services, Public Health, Adult Social Care and Communities. The borough is bisected by the M1 motorway; it is rura
O IFAP, I.P., é um instituto público integrado na administração indirecta do Estado, dotado de autonomia administrativa e financeira e património próprio, estando sujeito à dupla tutela dos Ministros de Estado e das Finanças e da Agricultura, Desenvolvimento Rural e Pescas.
Natuurontwikkeling in Marickenland
Meridian International Center is a nonpartisan, nonprofit diplomacy center founded in 1960 with the vision that greater understanding and collaboration between the United States and the world leads to a more secure, prosperous future for all. Headquartered in Washington, D.C. on a four-acre campus w
LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions brings clarity to innovation for businesses worldwide. We enable innovators to accomplish more by helping them make informed decisions, be more productive, comply with regulations and ultimately achieve a competitive advantage for their business. Our suite
Armed Forces Services Corporation (AFSC), a company with extensive experience providing and managing behavioral health and specialty services to various agencies of the federal government, including all five branches of the U.S. Armed Forces.
The french Regulatory Authority for Audiovisual and Digital Communication (Arcom) is the new independent public authority aims to address the audiovisual, digital and societal issues of its time. As the guarantor of freedom of communication, it also intends to be attentive to the sector and its au
Bolagsverket registrerar företag och tar emot årsredovisningar. Sök och köp företagsfakta från våra register. Starta företag på företagarsajten verksamt.se
Seat of government for the U.S. state of Pennsylvania.
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