
Explore 14,379 companies in Government

Gemeente Veere


Het gemeentehuis staat aan de rand van de prachtige badplaats Domburg in een landelijke omgeving. Parkeren kan op loopafstand, en de bus stopt vlak bij het gemeentehuis. Adres: Bezoekadres: Gemeentehuis Veere Traverse 1 4357 ET Domburg Postadres: Gemeente Veere Postbus 1000 4357 ZV Dom



A lo largo de más de 28 años hemos incursionado y evolucionado en distintas áreas atendiendo en el continente americano a clientes privados, corporativos y sector gobierno. Contribuimos en la consecución de proyectos de Seguridad Nacional. Esto ha implicado grandes retos tecnológicos, humanos, de



Blyce, formerly known as BearingPoint Caribbean, offers software solutions that are specifically designed to manage government processes, making them more transparent, integrated, and efficient. We provide governments with the tools and support to obtain a balanced budget and a healthy financial sta

The New York Court of Appeals is the highest court in the Unified Court System of the State of New York.

City of Celina


Welcome to the official City of Celina, Texas, LinkedIn Page. As one of the fastest-growing cities in the State of Texas, the secret is out that the City of Celina is a great place to live, work, and raise a family. Settled near the turn of the last century in northern Collin County, the City of C

Contra Costa County Fire Protection District is a recognized fire service leader providing fire and emergency medical services to nearly a million people across a 304 square-mile area, in and around the 19 cities of Contra Costa County, California. In 2017, the District responded to nearly 74,000 fi

Gemeente Heerde


De gemeente Heerde heeft rond de 19.000 inwoners en ligt prachtig op de Veluwe tussen Zwolle en Apeldoorn. Bij de gemeentelijke organisatie werken ongeveer 215 mensen. De gemeente Heerde wil graag in contact staan met de inwoners.

CPF Board


At the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board, we believe in developing individuals who are inspired to do their life’s best work, through 3Ps: Purposeful Work, Professional Growth, People & Culture. Purposeful Work – The CPF Board helps 4 million members save for their retirement, healthcare and housi

San José Public Library (SJPL) is located in the heart of Silicon Valley and in the nation’s 10th largest city. SJPL serves a culturally diverse population of more than one million, making it one of the busiest library systems, nationwide. SJPL registers an average of six million visits with a check

Mighty Citizen


Mighty Citizen is the improvement agency. We advance mission-driven organizations through strategic thinking, engaging creative, and digital transformation. We help nonprofits, government agencies, associations, and universities improve the world and increase their impact by creating deeper connecti



We support decarbonisation and energy efficiency in the public sector by providing funding and expertise.



With Eurocities, it’s all in our name: we connect Europe and cities. We are convinced that this connection leads to a better life for all. Founded in 1986, our network brings together the local governments of more than 200 cities in 38 European countries, representing 130 million people. Eurocities

The Union County Health Department is located in Marysville, Ohio just 30 miles Northwest of Columbus. The Union County Health Department provides public health services for the approximately 52,000 residents of Ohio's third fastest growing county. The Union County Health Department is an agency of

San Mateo County Libraries is a Joint Powers Authority that comprises the cities of Atherton, Belmont, Brisbane, East Palo Alto, Foster City, Half Moon Bay, Millbrae, Pacifica, Portola Valley, San Carlos, Woodside, and the unincorporated areas of San Mateo County. We ignite growth through transforma

The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority is authorized to construct, maintain, repair and operate turnpike projects throughout Oklahoma.

GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology, provides networking and cloud computing services to academic and research institutions, to educational bodies at all levels, and to agencies of the public, broader public and private sector. GRNET holds a key role as the coordinator of

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) charters, regulates, and supervises all national banks and federal savings associations. The OCC also supervises the federal branches and agencies of foreign banks. Our goal in supervising banks and federal savings associations is to ensure that th

We're a six-state network of non-profit, public and private entities working collaboratively to strengthen our food system by increasing the amount of New England-grown and processed food served in our region’s schools, hospitals, colleges and other institutions.

From our CEO: "We come from an island in the Bering Sea, where legend says the wind was born. Our corporation today operates in 25 states and 10 countries. We build massive wind farms, develop world-class wildlife and hospitality properties, and provide engineering and operations services to some o

In Minnesota, the Great Outdoors defines our lives. It is where many of our most cherished memories are created with family and friends. Passing our experiences and traditions to the next generation and being good stewards of our lakes and land are values we all share. At Conservation Minnesota,

Rios Partners


Rios Partners provides management consulting services to commercial, non-profit, and government clients in the Washington, D.C. metro area. We work with clients we care deeply about and on projects where we can have a meaningful impact. To deliver value, we systematically analyze problems to identif

The Department of Labor administers a variety of federal labor laws to guarantee workers' rights to fair, safe, and healthy working conditions, including minimum hourly wage and overtime pay, protection against employment discrimination, and unemployment insurance.



FINDETER es una Entidad de redescuento, creada por el Gobierno Nacional, para financiar las iniciativas de inversión que contribuyan al desarrollo de las comunidades y promuevan el progreso del país. FINDETER es una sociedad por acciones de economía mixta del orden nacional, del tipo de las anó

Stad Kortrijk


Kortrijk is een grote werkgever. 1800 personeelsleden werken iedere dag aan een zeer gevarieerde dienstverlening. We verwachten medewerkers die zich betrokken voelen bij alle ontwikkelingen. Samen maken we de stad tot wat hij is. Een stad met voorzieningen afgestemd op de wensen en behoeften van haa

Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) was established by the Law N° 009/2021 of 16/02/2021 that determines its mission and vision. The mandate of RSSB is to administer social security in the country. RSSB has a legal personality, administrative and financial autonomy and is supervised by the Ministry



KEHA-keskus on valtakunnallinen, maantieteellisesti hajautetulla toimintamallilla ja verkostomaisesti toimiva ELY-keskusten sekä TE-toimistojen kehittämis- ja hallintopalveluja tuottava virasto. KEHA-keskus ohjaa, kehittää ja palvelee palvelujensa piirissä olevia organisaatioita - tehtävien yhdenm



We are the ServiceNow customer workflow experts. We are a new type of ServiceNow Elite partner, blending our depth of large consultancy experience with the relationship focus of a boutique provider. Our customers span a wide range of verticals, including Technology Service Providers, Financial S

Wij zijn verantwoordelijk voor de opvang, begeleiding en uitstroom (uit de opvang) van asielzoekers in Nederland. Het COA is een zelfstandig bestuursorgaan (zbo) en valt onder de politieke verantwoordelijkheid van de staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid. Het COA legt verantwoording af aan di

Boston Water is a provider of water and sewage services operated by the Boston Water and Sewer Commission.



Envisio is the most widely used strategic planning and performance management solution in local government. Leaders from more than 130 cities and counties use Envisio to execute plans, measure and report on performance, make evidence-based decisions, and build trust and transparency with their commu

A 15ª Região abrange hoje uma população de aproximadamente 20 milhões de pessoas, uma das maiores entre as 24 Regiões em que está dividida a Justiça do Trabalho do País. São 153 Varas do Trabalho instaladas. Apenas a 2ª Região possui mais unidades de 1ª Instância. De início o TRT da 15ª possuía

From just two partners in 1997, Frenkel Partners now has upwards of 30 staff, and is at the centre of a significant wider community of friends, family and valued clients, all of whom play a daily role in the ongoing success of our business. Our community comes from diverse backgrounds - among st

Town of Whitby


The Town of Whitby is a lakefront community that is home to more than 128,000 residents and more than 2,200 businesses. Whitby is the second largest municipality in the Regional Municipality of Durham and located in the heart of the region. The Town is committed to building a pedestrian-focused, cyc



Ploughshare is the hub that makes UK government innovations prosper. Established in 2005 as the technology transfer partner for the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), our purpose is to ensure UK government innovations deliver real prosperity to the economy, our society, people’s live

Arktouros pllc


Through years of public service and private industry, we have been dedicated to rule of law and personal sovereignty. Our dedication is based on the principles of a free society safe from exploitation and harm – whether at the hands of state or private sector actors. We are a bulwark against overrea

Een vakorganisatie van en voor personeelsleden van de geïntegreerde politie. ----- Un syndicat de et pour les employés de la police intégrée.

Aqua Publica Europea (APE) is the European Association of Public Water Operators. It brings together water and sanitation services, their national and regional associations and organisations working to promote public water management at European and international level.

IS4S was founded by experienced engineers and managers who realize the need to ensure that our government, military, and commercial customers have an alternative to the defense contractor “status quo”. The IS4S approach to systems development and unique customer solutions is based on a time proven p

Gov Services Hub


Welcome to the Gov Services Hub, your one-stop destination for streamlined government services that connect Government Contractors and drive positive change. We're thrilled to introduce you to a new era of convenience, accessibility, and empowerment. Founded in 2015 we focus exclusive on the governm

Hi, we’re SR2 Consulting - your global resource augmentation partner. SR2 Consulting is the leading resourcing partner to some of the world’s biggest consultancies and high-growth startups. In addition to finding specialist talent, we also operate as an SME bid partner, leveraging our social value

City of Millbrae


FACTS AND FIGURES Population: 21,387 (2008 CA Department of Finance) Incorporated: January 14, 1948 San Mateo County Seat Established: 1856 Land Area: 3.2 Square Miles Registered Voters: 10,733 (11/2007) Number Of Households: 8,113 - Units, 7,956 - Occupied (2000 Census) The City of

The next four years at City Hall must be dedicated first and foremost to fostering stability for all Calgarians. Only by stabilizing our economy, prioritizing our collective well-being, and investing equitably in our communities can we meaningfully move the dial toward greater prosperity for our cit

Suite of financial and utility billing software applications, specifically tailored for small and medium sized local governments.



Somos SILICE: Compañía global de innovación digital. Encuentra con SILICE la transformación que estás buscando hacia un sistema de gestión y trabajo digital, innovador y efectivo. Nos especializamos en proyectos que aportan a la economía digital y el desarrollo tecnológico de la sociedad transfor

At rejse fra Sønderborg Lufthavn er hurtigt, nemt og fleksibelt med 35 minutter til København. Derfor får du også gratis parkering, kaffe, dagens avis og Wi-Fi.

In the year 1998, I-TECH was founded by an entrepreneur with a vision, with the burning desire and a quest to provide top quality employees that are dedicated, reliable, and hardworking to our clients, which in turn would provide the highest level of customer service. As a specialized niche, I-TECH

The EU Digital Identity Wallet Consortium (EWC) is a joint effort to successfully leverage the benefits of the proposed EU Digital Identity in the form of Digital Travel Credentials across the Member States. EWC is one of the Large Scale Pilots for the EU Digital Wallet and co-funded by the European

The GGTC Kyiv brings together representatives from various sectors, including government, business, civil society, and academia, to discuss and collaborate on digital reforms, share Ukraine's best GovTech practices, and contribute to global standardisation in digital governance and public services.