Health Services

Explore 5,547 companies in Health Services

We promote health for our community and growth opportunities for our employees. Weeks Medical Center offers healthcare professionals an environment surrounded by highly skilled physicians and state-of-the-art technology. We are looking for candidates who still believe in providing the personaliz


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The preventative health service of the future. Detect disease early, improve wellbeing, and optimise performance.

La FHVI (Fédération des hôpitaux Vaudois Informatique) est une entité créée en 1985, dans l’esprit d’une mise en commun des ressources, des compétences et des équipements nécessaires au développement et à l'exploitation du système d'information des hôpitaux régionaux vaudois. L'association reconnue



Vardaga provides retirement homes, day activities, accompaniment, and home services for dementia, elderly and disabled people.

New Vista KY


We assist individuals, children and families in the enhancement of their well-being through mental health, intellectual and developmental disability and substance use services.

Re:mind Wellness Boutique is a privately held wellness company based out of Milford, CT. It's a one-stop shop for both mental and physical health. If you are drawn to good vibes, chill spaces, and open hearts-- have we got the place for you!!

Psychologists providing Individual, family, couples & court ordered therapy & testing to children, adolescents & adults. psychological and emotional therapy

Sahayog Super Multispecialty Hospital: Delivering exceptional patient care with a comprehensive approach. We are a leading multispecialty hospital dedicated to providing advanced medical treatment across various disciplines. Our team of highly skilled and experienced doctors utilizes cutting-edge te

Curaden MEA HUB


CURADEN is one of the fastest growing oral care companies. We are inspired to “Think further” and provide “Better health for you” –- through oral care & education. We are specialized in training dental professionals and manufacturing over 120 innovative products, which are gentle yet very effectiv

The mission of the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources is to collaborate with stakeholders to promote, protect, manage, and provide appropriate health and human services for our residents to improve their health, well-being and quality of life.



Iedereen een gezond hart, voor nu én later. Dat is het doel van de Hartstichting. Want alles start met het hart! Er zijn nu 1,7 miljoen mensen met een hart- of vaataandoening. Komen we niet in actie, dan zijn dat er over enkele jaren 1 miljoen méér dan nu. Daarom zet de Hartstichting de urgentie van

We offer objective, professional help with personal problems ranging from family life difficulties to stress reactions, substance use & mental illness.Life Management Center provides comprehensive behavioral and mental health care in Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, and Washington Counties, Flor

F.A.S.T. Rescue

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"FAST Rescue are workplace Health & Safety experts offering Consulting, Safety Supplies and Training Solutions that help make employees safe in the workplace. We’re passionate about health and safety, offering unrivaled value and solutions with a satisfaction guarantee."

Spotsylvania County Government stands as a beacon of professional collaboration, where elected leaders and dedicated staff unite in a shared mission. Our focus is on exercising prudent stewardship to cultivate and maintain a thriving, educated community within a safe and healthy environment. Through

The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) is a private, not-for-profit corporation established in 1952 to provide a uniform date of appointment to positions in graduate medical education (GME) in the United States. It is governed by its Board of Directors, which includes representatives from na

Patel Hospital


Located in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Patel Hospital is one of the leading hospitals in Karachi. The nature of the treatment provided here is not only guaranteed to be of the best quality, but also caters to patients’ needs accordingly. We at Patel, along with our globally prepared and exceptionally experienc

ClinicTracker is the pioneer of Electronic Health Record software built specifically for behavioral health and substance abuse agencies and providers. The foundation of ClinicTracker was built for and by a clinical psychologist and has been continuously improved by direct feedback of our users; it

OTSI is a leading global technology company offering solutions, consulting, and managed services for businesses worldwide since 1999. OTSI serves clients from its 15 offices across 6 countries around the globe with a “Follow-the-Sun” model. Headquartered in Overland Park, Kansas, we have a strong pr

Istituito ai sensi della Legge n. 56 del 18 febbraio 1989, l’Ordine degli Psicologi è un Ente pubblico non economico sul quale vigila il Ministero della Salute. L’Ordine degli Psicologi è costituito dagli iscritti all’Albo, che ogni quattro anni sono chiamati a votare per il rinnovo del Consiglio r



The most complete web-based patient data collection system for comprehensive health and mental health care for all ages. It automatically assigns, requests, collects, scores, interprets, and graphs. CHADIS helps write your clinical notes, facilitates between-visit monitoring, referrals and tracki

CST Academy


CST Academy is a one-of-a-kind team of clinicians, staff and students working closely with one another to bring positive impact to families in the Chicago-land area, while also building meaningful friendships along the way. We offer therapy services and a therapeutic preschool program for diverse

Hjulsøgård Fonden har eksisteret siden 1985 og var blandt de første i Danmark der tilbød misbrugsbehandling til borgere visiteret fra kommunerne. Vi har siden 2003 også specialiceret i at levere misbrugsbehandling til Kriminalforsorgens institutioner.



System fragmentation has long dictated winners and losers, compromising provider stability and patient access. At Coral, we understand the devastating impact of these divisions. That's why we prioritize protecting our providers above all, ensuring they can deliver uninterrupted, cost-efficient, qua

Bruxelles Formation est le service public francophone de la formation professionnelle à Bruxelles. Il a pour mission de permettre aux chercheurs d’emploi et aux travailleurs de se qualifier, de se perfectionner ou encore de se reconvertir dans un métier. Bruxelles Formation pilote l’offre de form

Rumah Sakit Pertamina didirikan pada tahun 1967 atas gagasan Dr. Ibnu Soetowo yang saat itu menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama Pertamina. Rumah Sakit tersebut kemudian diresmikan pada tahun 1972 oleh Presiden RI saat itu yaitu Jenderal Soeharto. Pada awal pendiriannya, Rumah Sakit Pertamina hanya dikhu

Blue Medical


Como líder en la prestación de servicios médicos en la Región, Blue Medical brinda servicios médicos integrales a pacientes individuales y clientes empresariales en Guatemala y Costa Rica. Nuestra filosofía "hacerte sentir bien"​ sirve como base para brindar servicios médicos confiables y de alta ca

Lumicera Health Services is defining the “new norm” in specialty pharmacy to optimize patient well-being. We are dedicated to improving specialty pharmacy care, one patient at a time, through educational, clinical, financial and service excellence. As a testament to our commitment to quality and con


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HIMSS Media is the fastest growing B2B media group focused exclusively on healthcare and technology markets. Through its suite of market-leading brands, such as Healthcare IT News, Healthcare Finance and MobiHealthNews, HIMSS Media delivers news, analysis and must-have information to an audience of



Neurotech improves the lives of patients and their families by providing the most clinically comprehensive EEG testing service available. They provide all types of Electroencephalogram (EEG) studies to a wide variety of patients, including those experiencing seizures who have or may have epilepsy.



As, we are the leading recruiter for public service jobs in Ireland. We provide an open and transparent recruitment process to identify top-quality candidates for public service roles, with a strong reputation for independent and merit-based selection. We are privileged to support the

GreenBest Ltd


GreenBest is a flexible manufacturer and wholesaler of granular, liquid and soluble fertiliser. Its core markets include sports and amenity turf care, municipal turf and lawn care. GreenBest provides products and brands that are tailored to individual customer requirements. It supplies orders of al

As a nationwide, voluntary organization, the Canadian Mental Health Association promotes the mental health of all and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness.

Center For Sight


Center For Sight is among the nation’s leading multi-specialty physician groups providing patients worldwide with care in ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, and cosmetic facial surgery.

Home Instead Thuisservice is thuiszorg, maar dan anders. Bij ons ligt de nadruk op persoonlijke aandacht en betekenisvolle ondersteuning, zowel praktisch als emotioneel. Met aandacht én tijd voor senioren die zo lang mogelijk thuis willen blijven wonen. Zorg kan beter, dat bewijst Home Instead elke

Groupe Le Duff


The world leader in bakery, pastry and catering, LE DUFF Group is present in more than 100 countries and on 5 continents. Since it was established in 1976, Le Duff Group has achieved its success through its restaurant chains (Brioche Dorée, Del Arte, Fournil de Pierre, La Madeleine [United States],

The International Topical Steroid Awareness Network (ITSAN) is a 501(c)(3) organization formed to raise awareness about a condition called Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) Syndrome, also known as Red Skin Syndrome or Topical Steroid Addiction. ITSAN is the only 501(c)(3) non-profit charity serving

CrossFit Train


CrossFit Train is a health, wellness and fitness company based out of 2031 Bryant St, Denver, Colorado, United States.


1 follower

iRedeemHealth is a trusted leader in the health and wellness industry, dedicated to distributing high-quality products and solutions

Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed arbejder for, at det er trygt at være patient i det danske sundhedsvæsen. Vi behandler klager fra patienter og ankesager om erstatninger. Vi autoriserer sundhedspersoner. Vi fører tilsyn med den sundhedsfaglige virksomhed i sundhedsvæsenet og administrerer rapporte

- CHDC is a non-profit, community health center created through the generous funding by the Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation along with various other local businesses. - CHDC provides the following healthcare services - Medical, Dental, Vision, Pediatrics, OBGYN, Behavioral Health, Med

Get Healthy USA


Get Healthy USA’s mission is to create more awareness around healthy lifestyle utilizing antioxidant screening as an indicator of healthy behavior. Our goal is to encourage people to take a more proactive approach towards their health and provide tools to assist them with achieving their wellness g

TLC Pharmaceutical Standards Ltd., established in 2007, is a leading provider of custom-synthesized drug impurities, metabolites, stable isotope labeled compounds, Glucuronides, Nitrosamines, and other analytical Reference Standards. Our unwavering commitment to quality has earned us recognition a

WELCOME TO NORA Whether you’ve been in therapy before or it is your first time…we make the process as simple as possible and we’re always here when you need us. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES We offer individual, couples, infant, child, adult, senior and family counseling services and mental health servic

Seit über 100 Jahren entwickelt und fertigt die Firma Stollenwerk in Köln inhabergeführt Transportprodukte für Retter -in ganz Europa. Was für den Rettungsalltag gilt, haben wir als Hersteller von Rettungsprodukten auch für unsere Website zur Pflicht gemacht. Produkt- und Serviceinformationen auf d

Eastern Idaho Public Health (EIPH) is one of the 7 Public Health Districts in the State of Idaho and provides services for Bonneville, Clark, Custer, Fremont, Jefferson, Lemhi, Madison, and Teton Counties. Our Mission To prevent disease, disability and premature death; To promote healthy lifestyle

The ScioScientific team has a broad range of skills and experience in clinical and academic medicine, pharmaceutical and healthcare brand management, high-level strategy consulting, interactive media, project management, event planning, and imaginative creative design to develop and deploy solutions

Risant Health

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At Risant Health, we're raising the bar for delivering high-quality patient outcomes for millions of people in America. We're doing this in communities across the country by expanding and accelerating the adoption of #ValueBasedCare.

Universal Healthcare is a nonprofit health plan that provides financing to companies and provides health services.The health plan serves members across the eight counties that comprise Western New York.Telephone and email contact used for inquiries.

Northwest Passage is dedicated to restoring hope through innovative mental health services for children and families.



Créé dans le monde agricole il y a 30 ans, le Groupe Mutualia est composé de 3 mutuelles réparties sur l'ensemble du territoire assurant la santé et la prévoyance de près de 500 000 adhérents. Destiné, à l’origine, à favoriser l’accès des populations agricoles non couvertes à une protection sociale