Explore 11,951 companies in Social Impact
Vivagogy is a 'not only for profit business' creating societal good and benefits for all stakeholders with creative business models and AI.
Das Hofgut Himmelreich ist eines der ersten inklusiven Unternehmen in Deutschland. Das Hofgut Himmelreich zeigt, wie ein gleichberechtigtes Leben von Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung funktionieren kann. Wir leben und gestalten Inklusion. An einem historischen Ort mit zukunftsweisenden Ideen und Tat
Spécialise de l’assistance technique et le conseil au développement, notre bureau, sous le credo du développement local et régional durable, offre une valeur ajoutée certaine aux programmes dédiés au développement socioéconomique inclusif, à la promotion de l’égalité et à l’accès aux droits, comme a
In February 2022, the Māori Spectrum Working Group (MSWG) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government to form a Māori Spectrum Entity (MSE) through legislation. The Interim Māori Spectrum Commission is now named Tū Ātea. IMSC is a Trust created by the Māori Spectrum Working Group (MSWG
HearthStone’s primary purpose, above and beyond building homes, is to discover the hero in everyone. We believe the little things you do every day --- the time you give, the tears you shed, and the laughter you share --- are heroic. This is the spirit that drives us, the reminder that our homebu
Goods Bank NEO is a community resource center dedicated to providing essential goods to nonprofit organizations at nominal cost. Our goal is to maximize the limited resources of the nonprofit community while helping to ensure all people have their basic product needs met and can live with dignity.
Bringing together a community of conscious individuals to learn, explore and grow together
O Instituto Blandina Meirelles é uma organização sem fins lucrativos que atua desde 1952. Nossa missão é contribuir para o desenvolvimento de crianças e adolescentes em situação de vulnerabilidade social.
At Morelli Consulting, our team navigates businesses to ways of working that better protect the future health of our world and its people. We work in partnership with our clients to deliver sustainability initiatives that make a genuine difference. It’s not just about the impact that industries ha
We build products that prioritize customer outcomes and contribute to a better future.
Fundacja Nasza Ziemia została założona w 1994 roku. Misją Fundacji jest popularyzowanie poszanowania środowiska, zmiany postaw społecznych na bardziej przyjazne środowisku oraz inicjowanie działań indywidulanych i grupowych służących zachowaniu i poprawie stanu środowiska. Sztandarowym programem Fun
Building a software solution to support professionals on their social impact journey.
We know that lasting personal and social change comes about when we all work together. That’s why at the Y, strengthening community is our cause. Every day, we work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn, gro
We develop educators and problem solvers for conservation.
Who are we? The Social Wellbeing Agency works on challenging social-sector problems to improve people’s lives. We focus our efforts on where we can make the greatest impact to lead and shine a light on policy issues that affect the wellbeing of New Zealanders. We collaborate across the system advisi
Fulfill people's potential through mentoring process
CriteriaCaixa, holding that manages the business assets of ”la Caixa” Foundation, has as a priority to provide the financial resources that enable the Foundation’s social action as well as to preserve and increase its wealth by generating value. Over the years, CriteriaCaixa has built an asset port
Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM) is a unique coalition of the national charities Clinks, Collective Voice, Homeless Link and Mind. MEAM supports local areas across the country to transform services and systems and to directly improve the lives of people facing multiple disadvantage. We use our sh
Our experienced consultants bring a 'can do' and client-focused attitude to their work and are regarded as some of the best talent across a range of disciplines. They possess a genuine depth of expertise and understanding of the unique challenges impacting business, government and our communities T
We exist not to build a single church that gets larger and larger, but a family of churches that are scattered all over the world, each church unique to its location and cultural context. The Church is not another sub-culture, but the making of a new humanity. We work to see God’s will done on Earth
LAHSo (L’Association de l’Hôtel Social) est une association lyonnaise dont l’objet social est de rechercher, réaliser et développer toutes réponses adaptées susceptibles de faciliter la réinsertion des personnes et familles en situation d’exclusion. Pour y parvenir, elle s’appuie sur un ensemble d’
Globally, 115 million children are illiterate and 767 million people live below the poverty line as defined by the UN. In consequence, a great number of young people from developing countries are lured to foreign countries where they often end up working under inhuman conditions. Many never return h
Med fokus på socialt entreprenörskap, coachar och handleder vi unga mellan 15-25 år i att förverkliga sina idéer. Vårt mål är att rusta unga till att bli våra framtida ledare och sociala entreprenörer som jobbar för en bättre och mer hållbar värld.
We provide HIV education and prevention services, HIV treatment, care and support services, and an enabling environment and human rights programme to improve the quality of life for persons living with HIV and AIDS.
Kin-nection is a 501c3 public charity non-profit organization that serves displaced people (e.g. asylees, refugees, and migrants) suffering from afflictions related to forced migration. Kin-nection gives refugees and migrants access to interculturally and linguistically competent mental health supp
𝘿𝙪 𝙫𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙚𝙡 𝙖𝙪 𝙧𝙚́𝙚𝙡, 𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙤𝙪𝙫𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙚(𝙨) 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙥(𝙨) ! Conçue avec des experts en situation de handicap, HandiReality propose 5 expériences en réalité virtuelle pour sensibiliser vos salariés aux handicaps en entreprise (disponible en fra
AD & Co Fundraising Agency specializes in driving growth for small to midsize nonprofit organizations. We manage comprehensive digital fundraising campaigns, conduct in-depth prospect research to boost your donor pipeline by 60%, and write impactful foundation grants. Our team also expertly handles
We hebben maar één planeet. Daar moeten we dus goed voor zorgen. Wij zijn de eerste generatie die de gevolgen van klimaatverandering echt gaat merken, en de laatste die er nog wat aan kan veranderen. Een mega uitdaging die we met opgestroopte mouwen oppakken. Met een gedreven team en een dosis posit
DAECO Real Estate Services provide subject matter real estate expertise to non-profit, government and private sectors for housing solutions to address the needs of the vulnerable and unhoused.
The Virginia Civic Engagement Table strengthens and connects Virginia’s progressive nonprofit organizations and activists and acts as a hub for the larger progressive community. We believe our Commonwealth works best when every voice is heard. We envision a multi-racial democracy in Virginia where
Horizons builds brighter futures for K-12 students from low-income families by creating year round academic, artistic, and athletic opportunities, nurturing potential, cultivating a safe and supportive community, and inspiring individual dreams.
Springtime offers a range of innovative coaching and communication services to support organisations undergoing economic and environmental transitions. We tackle your challenges with an approach based on the shared values of humanity, authenticity and responsibility.
Satakuntaliiton tehtävä on edistää Satakunnan ja sen asukkaiden hyvinvointia. Satakuntaliitto on Satakunnan kehittäjä, strateginen suunnittelija, aluekehitystoimien yhteen sovittaja, maakuntakaavoittaja, edunvalvoja, hankerahoittaja ja markkinoija. Satakuntaliiton edunvalvontasivusto osoitteessa: ht
Our Mission: To build the capacity of people to become more self-aware and self-directed, resulting in the rise of inner-empowerment that transforms quality of life positively. Our Vision: A community strengthened by its deep commitment to social justice by means of empowerment, connection, and
PhotovoiceWorldwide is a woman-led social enterprise based in the U.S. We help individuals and organizations use photovoice safely, ethically, and successfully, while creating a global community for photovoice peer-to-peer support and continuing education. Our team is a community of passionate in
We are a collective of restless creative people, studio flat revolutionaries, creators of Solo in Cartolina pro-bono campaign.
UrbanWorks is an independent Indian think-n-do tank that helps cities cut traffic and pollution, develop green and inclusive mobility solutions and create safe and engaging public spaces that enrich the lives of all. The Urban Works Institute focuses on three things: 1) Applied research on urban m
Brocéliande is a group of 300 breeders from the North-West of France, committed to a farming approach that focuses on quality and animal welfare. Oh yes! And that's not all! Our products are produced in our French factories by the employees of a co-operative. And why do we do this? We wish to creat
Mera Gaon is a hyperlocal and private hub for villages across the length and breadth of the country 🇮🇳 where 1B rural user can interact with each other regarding matters concerning the local community. 1m+ downloads on Google Play Store. Raised from operators such as Ankur Nagpal (Ocho, Vibe Ca
Hamari Pahchan, is a Delhi based NGO that puts forth a platform to aid the marginalized of our society. We provide various opportunities to underprivileged people so they can create their own Pahchan (identity). Our focus spans over multiple areas like education, menstrual health awareness, unemplo
Hello, we’re Savers Australia. Since our humble thrift shop beginnings, we’ve come a long way in the secondhand space. We’ve grown from a single shop to a global reuse champion. Every day at Savers, we proudly embrace our mission to champion reuse and inspire a future where secondhand is second nat
Wij zijn Movactor: dé welzijnsorganisatie van Nieuwegein. We moedigen kinderen, jongeren en volwassenen aan om vanuit hun talent bij te dragen aan de samenleving. Wij ondersteunen jullie als dat nodig is! In het maken van keuzes, het leggen van contacten en het nemen van eigen verantwoordelijkheid.
We are redesigning the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) system with families at the center. Illinois has a goal of becoming the best state in the nation for families raising young children by improving and expanding the delivery of child care and early learning programs for children from b
Stichting Responsible Young Drivers Nederland is een verkeersveiligheidsorganisatie voor en door jongeren. Het is ons doel om het aantal verkeersslachtoffers terug te dringen. Dit doen we door het uitvoeren van ludieke, eigenwijze, innovatieve, en niet belerende bewustwordingscampagnes. Wij focusse
As a social enterprise, Gotoco started life offering UK, North American and EU based university and college students opportunities to visit China on our fun, funded and free work-travel and cultural exchange projects. We now offer projects all over the world! In Asia, Europe and the Americans. We
Using PR and Comms to create a better world. We are an international public relations and communications company, working from Nigeria and United Kingdom, to help our clients and partners communicate better. BHM was founded on November 6, 2006 by Ayeni Adekunle a Nigerian-born writer and journalis
In today’s fast-paced landscape, 501(c) organizations are constantly challenged to innovate, stay relevant, and adapt to the dynamic needs of their communities. Sticky Notes exists to turn sidelined ideas into meaningful successes. We specialize in transforming strategic concepts into reality by m
Eaton Workshop is a purpose-driven company at the intersection of culture, media, hospitality, wellness, and progressive social change. Founded by Katherine Lo, whose vision is to reimagine a hotel as a new inclusive gathering place for changemakers and creatives, Eaton consists of distinct parts—Ho