Social Impact

Explore 11,951 companies in Social Impact

The Collective for Hope combines the strength of its program brands (Grief's Journey, HEALing Embrace, and Ted E. Bear Hollow) and co-located services to lead response to loss, elevate the value of grief companionship, and promote healthy survivorship.



Clixflow is a company based out of Tangier, Tangertetouanal Hoceima, Morocco.

The Global Challenges Foundation aims to incite deeper understanding of the most pressing threats to humanity - and to catalyse new ways of tackling them. Founded in 2012 by Swedish investor and author Laszlo Szombatfalvy, the Foundation’s work is rooted in the belief that today’s global challenges

Imagine a world where financial inclusion is a reality for everyone, regardless of background or location. StreetKRED is paving the way for this future. Our decentralized platform offers a suite of tools designed to empower individuals and communities, from secure digital identities to accessible fi

Founded in 2020, the Environment Project is a youth-run 501c(3) nonprofit dedicated to empowering young climate leaders to make socially impactful change in their communities. We believe that young people should be able to create a greener, better, and more sustainable future for all. We believe in

A non-profit organization dedication to empowering women in business succeed through networking, making connections at a deeper level, and supporting our local community and charities. Our organization meets monthly at various locations. If you want to connect with like minded business women and wan

Delivering ESG-based solutions for organizations of all sizes We partner with organizations from start-ups to Global MNCs and bring a unique set of experiences from the boardroom to grass roots leadership. Lightwheel Advisors add value through experience, passion and innovation.

Sign Dreamers is the world’s first yard greeting company with a global purpose. A percentage of every sign we sell helps provide education to the hearing impaired in third world countries who would otherwise be isolated from society. When you choose Sign Dreamers, you bring joy to those you love, an

The 57th Presidential Inaugural weekend will kick off with a National Day of Service, a tradition started by the Obamas at the President’s first Inauguration in 2009. President Obama will ask Americans across the country to organize and participate in service projects in their communities on Saturda

Civic Tech Toronto is a diverse community of Torontonians interested in better understanding and finding solutions to civic challenges through technology, design or other means. The Civic Tech Toronto community comes together at our weekly Hacknights every Tuesday from 6:30pm to 9pm. At Hacknights,

Ardent is a new consulting group that was founded last year with the goal to provide affordable and approachable fundraising and development support for nonprofit organizations. Ardent's President, Kate Schnittman, has worked as an independent consultant for more than 20 years and is dedicated to he



Producers of Fast Data metrics for non-financial (eg intangible, social) value eg. social value, personal value, modern slavery, etc. Seratio digitises non-financial value and can turn sentiment into financial value.Think Tank: Commissions: Allia



Wij vertegenwoordigen het perspectief van jongeren met een chronische aandoening of beperking. Als organisatie voor (en door!) deze jongeren weten wij wat er speelt, wat er beter kan en wat er wél werkt. Wij helpen bedrijven, gemeenten, zorginstellingen en politiek om jongeren een plek aan de tafel

Kennis en handelingsperspectief voor mensen die we wereld willen veranderen.

Ingenuity Impact


The Ingenuity Programme is a national innovation programme that directly addresses the UK’s major social, health and environmental challenges through the creation of impactful new start-ups. Ingenuity focuses on 3 key challenge themes: building stronger communities, improving health and tackling cli



Somos uma organização humanitária franciscana de enfrentamento ao sofrimento humano. Combatemos a fome, o frio, a febre (Covid-19) e a falta de oportunidades e direitos junto a grupos altamente vulneráveis, como a população de rua, imigrantes refugiados, crianças pobres e idosos sozinhos. No perío

Early Warning Europe provides free, impartial and confidential counselling to companies in distress. Our network comprises authorities, sector organisations, NGOs and private companies, united in the common interest of improving the resilience of companies in crisis.

The VONG Movement is promoted by Omysha Foundation. The VONG movement is Aam environment where the new generation is inspired and motivated to build a deeper understanding of global social issues. It’s where they find like-minded people and build synergies. The movement creates a safe space for lea

The Unicorn Party is a political party seeking office in the upcoming US elections. We believe all human beings living in The United States deserve the liberty of living a fulfilling life. We support basic needs such as: Nationalized Utilities, Guaranteed Housing, Guaranteed UBI for your area, Univ

Prizle is a social innovation enterprise incubation platform. They also provide for natural catastrophes, migratory movements, and humanitarian crises. They also provide collaborative entrepreneurship centred around social innovation services.



Hét platform voor jonge vrouwen vol ambitie. We zetten ons in voor een wereld waarin vrouw* zijn je carrierèkeuzes en -kansen niet beïnvloedt. We maken impact: - We zijn hét landelijke platform voor ambitieuze jonge vrouwen. - We verbinden de rolmodellen van vandaag met die van morgen. - We bieden

The Arab Federation for Digital Economy was established by the Arab Economic Unity Council of the Arab League in April 2018. The Federation is tasked with ambitious goals to support and develop knowledge, infrastructure, regulatory, legislative and technical standards and frameworks throughout the A

Hollolan kunta


Päijät-Hämeessä sijaitsevan Hollolan visiona on olla juureva ja paras kotikunta, jossa voi monipuolisesti asua, harrastaa, tehdä työtä, yrittää ja toimia osana yhteisöä.



HumanizeR sætter fokus på at skabe værdi for vore kunder indenfor HR, bemanding og naturlig CSR. HumanizeR er landsdækkende med kontorer i Hovedstaden, Maribo, Kolding, Århus og vores seneste kontor i Rødbyhavn til FEMERN - og hvis man skal stole på benchmark rapporter fra vores branche, så er vi "

The Women's Major Group (WMG) is a network representing women's voices and perspectives in global policy discussions, particularly within the United Nations' processes on sustainable development and environmental issues. Established at the Earth Summit in 1992, WMG actively advocates for gender equa

As a leading faith-based UK charity, with a global aid delivery footprint spanning 74 countries, we have helped over 50m deserving beneficiaries.

Services: Culture: Culture assessment and definition; Diversity & Inclusion Org Design: Strategy, process, structure and capabilities diagnosis Readiness: Leader change readiness and coaching; change portfolio development; community building



We collect donations of discarded tee shirts, strip them, then use traditional hand-operated looms to weave them into interior decor pieces and accessories. We train and employ women in Holyoke with limited work opportunities. As part of our production team, women gain the opportunity to earn a payc

Colchester School District is home to approximately 2,100 students and employs over 450 faculty and staff members. The district operates: Two K-2 Buildings: Union Memorial School and Porters Point School PreK/Grades 3-5 Building: Malletts Bay School Middle School Building: Colchester Middle School

Our Mission Renewed Spirit Adventures is dedicated to creating nurturing and transformative spaces where women can reconnect with their inner strength, heal from life’s challenges, and step into their most authentic selves. Through thoughtfully curated retreats, workshops, and a vibrant membership

At A Good Turn, we transform surplus inventory into community impact through sustainable donation solutions. By reducing textile waste and supporting ESG goals, we help businesses and nonprofits create lasting change while benefiting local charities. Join us in turning small actions into big results

MzN International is a social enterprise, passionate about doing good, but convinced that it can be done better. We think that humanitarian and development actors should be sustainably financed, professionally run, transparent and fully accountable – so that they can operate efficiently and deliver

Nuova Vita è una cooperativa sociale di tipo “A”, dal 1997 punto di riferimento nell’Alta Padovana per l’assistenza, la riabilitazione, l’educazione e la promozione delle autonomie. Durante tutto l’arco di vita della persona con fragilità, la nostra missione è quella di garantire l'accesso ai migli

We help nonprofits set up and clean up CRM systems to reduce data and workflow inconsistencies, save 200+ staff-hours monthly, cut manual data entry by 65%, and improve fundraising outcomes through actionable donor and programmatic insights. With our roots in nonprofit work, we guarantee results wi

Somos una organización social creada en 1994 por un grupo de mujeres profesionales y líderes comunitarias de diferentes zonas del país que vivimos la violencia socio política. Contribuimos a transformar el impacto de la violencia en la vida de niños, niñas, jóvenes, familias y comunidades que afron

Hispanic League


Established in 1992 to foster diversity and raise awareness by serving as a liaison between the non-Hispanic and Hispanic communities, the Hispanic League improves the quality of life for Hispanics/Latinos through promoting community inclusion, education, health and multicultural understanding with

Geektuc Group


At Geektuc, we're a passionate multidisciplinary team dedicated to providing personalized attention in design, marketing, photography, and web development. We apply all our knowledge and expertise not only to drive digital transformation but also to make a significant social impact through technolog



Iedere gemeente of stadsdeel een eigen App! Met slechts “één klik” alles in jouw gemeente binnen handbereik! Dat is leuk, informatief, makkelijk, voordelig, efficiënt en duurzaam. Het vergroot de lokale bestedingen, verbindingen, kruisbestuiving en sociale cohesie tussen inwoners, werknemers, loka



DNA Doe Project is a trailblazer in the development and deployment of investigative genetic genealogy (IGG). We resolve cases of unidentified human remains for every community.

De Juiste Zorg op de Juiste Plek is een initiatief van partijen in de zorg en ondersteuning. In deze beweging staat het dagelijks functioneren van mensen centraal. Van daaruit wordt gestreefd om (duurdere) zorg te voorkomen, zorg dichter bij mensen te brengen (verplaatsen) en zorg te vervangen door



The world is at a turning point. People everywhere understand and support the idea of gender equality. They know it’s not just a women’s issue, it’s a human rights issue. HeForShe is an invitation for men and people of all genders to stand in solidarity with women to create a bold, visible and unite

Hus Forbi


Hus Forbi har et dobbelt formål: At være med til at skabe debat og dialog om og med hjemløse og socialt udstødte, som typisk ikke kommer til orde i medierne. At give de hjemløse og socialt udsatte sælgere mulighed for at tjene deres egne penge og have noget at stå op til. For mange er det at sælge

0 followers was born as a resistance to individualization, because we understand that it is from collaboration and exchange that alternatives to the problems of the current era arise. We believe in: non hierarchical structures, profit sharing, Data Science for social good, social responsibility.



WIR SIND WEGBEGLEITER. Das UNIONHILFSWERK wurde 1947 aus gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung gegründet. Mit rund 3.000 Mitarbeiter*innen und etwa 900 Freiwilligen leisten wir bis heute Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe in den verschiedensten Bereichen. Zu unseren Dienstleistungen gehören unter anderem Kindertag



We are advisors to business leaders worldwide as they accelerate their transition to sustainability, circularity and social equality, and face the twin challenges of decarbonisation and halting the degradation of nature. Advising business leaders on sustainability for over a decade, Robertsbridge h



We are an impact-based brunch boutique located in Oklahoma. The vision of syrup. is to have a delicious breakfast with local and global impact. It may look different throughout the years: assisting an orphanage, disaster relief, digging clean water wells, supporting missionaries, and providing for

LVWB Fundraising


LVWB Fundraising helpt al ruim 20 jaar culturele en maatschappelijke organisaties om hun doelen en ambities te realiseren door goede wervingsplannen te maken en uit te voeren. We zijn goed thuis in alle vormen van relatiegericht werven. Van sponsors tot vaste donateurs, vrienden, mecenaat en grote

L’Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte est un établissement public financée par la Loterie Nationale. Elle assume un rôle important en matière d’organisation et de financement de projets et d’initiatives d’intérêt général au Luxembourg. Initialement créée pour venir en aide aux vic

Yas Tanzania


Once known as Tigo Tanzania, Yas Tanzania is here to empower communities with digital possibilities that support growth and achievement. Part of AXIAN Telecom, Yas Tanzania combines a strong legacy with innovative tools to help everyone reach new heights. Mixx by Yas brings together our fintech off