3 Day Blinds


3 Day Blinds is the leading manufacturer and retailer of custom window coverings in the United States. Offering outstanding service, superior value, unprecedented delivery time, and a broad range of fashionable products for 45 years. We have an amazing team of highly trained, seasoned Design Consult... Read more


Irvine, US




Org chart

David Hall's profile picture
David Hall
Chief Executive Officer
Profile photo

David Hall

Dan Williams' profile picture
Dan Williams
Chief Revenue Officer
Tikie Holewski's profile picture
Tikie Holewski
Executive Vice President
Shawn Nelsen's profile picture
Shawn Nelsen
Vice President Business Intelligence
Meredith Sweeney's profile picture
Meredith Sweeney
Marketing Director
Gabrielle Traff's profile picture
Gabrielle Traff
Senior Vice President, Customer Experience & Installation Services
Dan Lyle's profile picture
Dan Lyle
Director Of IT Operations
Lindsay Namendorf
Director Sales Operations
Vivian Vo
Director, Financial Planning & Analysis
Scott Ooms
Director, Customer Care
Jenni Simpson
Vice President, Merchandising
Shannon Bowers-Klebe
Human Resources Manager
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