Lawrence Weinstein

Chief Medical Officer at American Addiction Centers

Dr. Lawrence Weinstein was appointed chief medical officer of AAC in August 2018. He is an accomplished physician executive with more than 20 years’ experience in managed behavioral healthcare. In addition to his extensive senior leadership background, he also delved into private practice, where he provided individual and group diagnostic psychotherapeutic services, family therapy and addiction psychiatry.

Dr. Weinstein has always been fascinated by the mysteries of the mind, and throughout his career, he’s explored different avenues to solve them. His career began in psychoanalysis, which allowed him to develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of the unconscious mind. This work led him to do research in psychoneuroimmunology. It was this research in how the brain impacts the immune system, and the connection of the brain to the rest of the body, that solidified his belief in mind-body connection and furthered his interest in providing a holistic approach to illness and treatment.



  • Chief Medical Officer

    Current role