American College of Nurse-Midwives


The American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) is the professional association that represents certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and certified midwives (CMs) in the United States. With roots dating to 1929, ACNM is the oldest women's health care organization in the United States. It provides research,... Read more

Org chart

Aprn Michelle Munroe Dnp, Cnm, Facnm, Faan's profile picture
Aprn Michelle Munroe Dnp, Cnm, Facnm, Faan
Interim Chief Executive Officer
Melissa Avery's profile picture
Melissa Avery
Editor-in-chief, Journal Of Midwifery And Women's Health
Stormee Johnson Bailey Mph's profile picture
Stormee Johnson Bailey Mph
Program Manager, Equity In Midwifery Education
Carol Hayes
Liaison To The CDC Advisory Committee On Imunzation Practice For The ACNM
Erin Gilmer's profile picture
Erin Gilmer
Gruber Fellow In Global Justice And Women's Rights
Katrina George Dnp, Cnm, Ibclc
NC ACNM Legislative Committee
Piers Rippey
Web Developer


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