Atos Medical

1 follower

Atos Medical was born out of a desire to make life easier for people living with a neck stoma. Since their foundation in 1986, they have cemented themselves as the world leader in Laryngectomy care. Atos Medical continues to serve the needs of more than 100,000 people with a neck stoma globally.







Org chart

Caroline Vagner Rosenstand

Anders Nyberg
Head Of Global Project Management, Innovation
Curtis Woodward
Customer Care Team Manager
Daniel Apelstierna
Director, Business Performance & Planning
Eva Brike
VP, People & Culture
Gunilla Olofsson
Customer Support Manager, Nordic
John Hansveden
SVP, Finance
Karen Volz
Managing Director & Svp, US
Marie Sigurd Hasemann
Head Of Product Development Laryngectomy
Pascale Chapuis
Sr VP Commercialization
Stefanie Schmitz
Vice President Atos Germany
Shakeem Ward
Head Of Operations
Ulrik Hill Christiansen
Senior Vice President, New Markets
John Brunckhorst
Global Head Of Tracheostomy Marketing
Marcio de Souza
Director Of Commercial Excellence And Business Development
Jasmina Kovac
Data Architect & Data Warehouse Manager