Australian Federal Police

1 follower

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) is a progressive and multi-faceted law enforcement organisation taking a strong lead in the fight against 21st century crime. By employing the core principles of prevention, deterrence, partnership and innovation, the AFP strives to build a more secure future f... Read more

Org chart

Reece Kershaw

Reece Kershaw

Jason B.
Financial Crimes Associate Director
Dr Simon Walsh
Chief Scientist
Krissie A
Chief Technology Officer
Charlie Wright
Team Leader AFP Operational Safety Training And Police Practices
Hannah Webb
Team Leader Museum Of Australian Policing
Sam Norman
Team Leader - Family Violence Unit
Tony A.
Manager - Policing Development And Innovation
Kate Ferry
Renee Viellaris
Manager Media And Public Relations
Kelly Luk
Detective Acting Sergeant: Transnational, Serious & Organised Crime