The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is the public service broadcaster of the United Kingdom, headquartered at Broadcasting House in London. The BBC is the world's oldest national broadcasting organisation and the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees, with over 20,950 staff... Read more




Org chart

Tim Davie
Director General, BBC

Tim Davie

Tom Fussell
CEO, BBC Studios
Deborah Turness
CEO, BBC News & Current Affairs
Leigh Tavaziva
Group Chief Operating Officer & Director
Peter O’Kane
Chief Technology Officer
Charlotte Moore
Chief Content Officer
Uzair Qadeer
Chief People Officer
Kerris Bright
Chief Customer Officer
Sarah Jones
Group General Counsel
David Jordan
Director, Editorial Policy and Standards
Alice MacAndrew
Group Corporate Affairs Director
Clare Sumner
Director, Policy
Gautam Rangarajan
Group Director of Strategy and Performance
John Shield
Director, Communications & Corporate Affairs
Wendy Aslett
BBC Group HR Director
James Purnell
Director, Radio & Education
Rhodri Talfan Davies
Director, Nations