José López

Chief Scientific Officer & Scientific Director, Bloodworks Research Institute at Bloodworks Northwest

José López, MD is a native of New Mexico, where he attended college and medical school before moving to Seattle for residency, specialty training in hematology, and laboratory training in biochemistry at the University of Washington. Dr. López’ first faculty position was with the Gladstone Institute for Cardiovascular Disease and the University of California, San Francisco, after which he moved to the Baylor College of Medicine, where he rose in the academic ranks to Professor of Medicine and Vice-Chair of Medicine for Research. In 2006, he was recruited back to Seattle to head the research program at Puget Sound Blood Center, now Bloodworks. He served as Executive Vice President for Research/CSO for ten years, stepping down in 2016. Throughout his career, Dr. López’ research has focused on the mechanisms of platelet attachment to injured and normal blood vessels and the diseases that involve this process, which include bleeding diseases such as von Willebrand disease and clotting diseases such as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, heart attack, and stroke. His research program has received continuous NIH funding since he established his laboratory. Dr. López currently serves as Associate Editor for the journal Blood and just finished a term on the Council (governing body) of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. He also currently serves on the Council for the Center of Scientific Review of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and on the Board of Scientific Counselors, also at NIH. He is Professor of Medicine at the University of Washington and is Adjunct Professor in the Departments of Biochemistry, Mechanical Engineering, and Pathology.