Blue Planet


Blue Planet’s technology uses CO2 as a raw material for making carbonate rocks. The carbonate rocks produced are used in place of natural limestone rock mined from quarries, which is the principal component of concrete. CO2 from flue gas is converted to carbonate (or CO3=) by contacting CO2 containi... Read more

Org chart

Brent Constantz
Chief Executive Officer

Brent Constantz

David Gottfried
Chief Global Impact Officer
Jane Ricci
Executive Business Administrator
John Chaparro
Chief Financial Officer
Kevin Dow
Chief Financial Officer
Laura Berland-Shane
Vice President Government Affairs
Sharear Masum
Asst. Manager Payroll & IT
William Day
VP Construction & Operations
Antonio Richmond Jr, MBA
VP of Operations
Cate Levey
Senior Scientist, Head Of Product Development
Joseph I.
Senior Research Engineer