Chicago Public Schools


Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is the third largest school district in the United States, serving over 360,000 students in 600+ schools and employing nearly 36,000 people, most of them teachers.





Org chart

Pedro Martinez
Chief Executive Officer

Pedro Martinez

Miroslava Mejia Krug
Chief Financial Officer
Bogdana Chkoumbova
Chief Education Officer
Francis Bilecki
Chief of Public Policy
Fatima Cooke
Chief of Equity, Strategy & Engagement
Melissa Stratton
Chief Communications Officer
Alfonso Carmona
Chief Portfolio Officer
Ben Felton
Chief Talent Officer
Lauren Clair-McClellan
Interim Chief Talent Officer
Shelly Banks
Chief Internal Auditor
Patricia Hernandez
Chief Procurement Officer
Miguel Perretta
Chief Labor Relations Officer
Ruchi Verma
General Counsel
Nicole Milberg
Chief of Teaching & Learning
Fanny Diego Alvarez
Chief of Family & Community Engagement
Lauro Roman
Chief of Staff
Vanessa Hernandez
Special Assistant To Chief Executive Officer
Pat Taylor
Chief Operating Officer
Charles Mayfield
Chief Operating Officer
Estuardo Mazin
Chief Of Schools
Megan Hougard
Chief Of College And Career Success
Bryan Quinlan
Founding Principal
Kizzy Evans- Lee
Senior Security Officer