Child Saving Institute


Child Saving Institute (CSI) was founded in 1892 and has been dedicated to the needs of children and families in the greater Omaha area for over 131 years. The mission is "responding to the cry of a child", but it is the vision that guides us as we work to give the children we serve safe, happy chi... Read more





Org chart

Jaymes Sime's profile picture
Jaymes Sime
President & CEO
Profile photo

Jaymes Sime

Chelsey Haas' profile picture
Chelsey Haas
Vice President Of Marketing
Roger Keaton's profile picture
Roger Keaton
Chief Financial Officer
Mam Leslie Corona's profile picture
Mam Leslie Corona
Vice President Human Resources
Lisa Blunt's profile picture
Lisa Blunt
Chief Operating Officer
Lora Sladovnik's profile picture
Lora Sladovnik
Director Of Mental Health Services
Lori Bechtold
Chief Development Officer
Wanda Gottschalk
Chief Development Officer
Michelle Haynes
Foster Care Licensing Specialist
Elizabeth Schroer
Bilingual Family Support Specialist
Evell Thomas
Adoption Specialist
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