City of Hilliard, Ohio


The City of Hilliard is a community of real people and real possibilities. With a population of nearly 40,000, Hilliard’s median household income is $97,485. There are approximately 1,104 companies in Hilliard that employ an estimated 15,961 people and contribute to more than one billion dollars in... Read more




Org chart

Michelle Crandall
City Manager

Michelle Crandall

and Mpa Jennifer Kahle
Director Of Finance
Colleen Lemmon
Chief People Officer/ Human Resources Director
Bevan Schneck
Planning & Zoning Commission
Dan Ralley
Assistant City Manager
John Talentino
City Planner
Kristie Shaffer
Zoning Enforcement Officer
Duane Powell
Chief Information Officer
Michael Woods
Chief Of Police
Zach Whitney
Pool Manager
Camden Doherty
Maintenance Technician
Danielle Garwood
Operations Administrator
Hannah Zawisza
Camp Assistant Manager
Justin Cramer
Detective Sergeant
Ed Merritt III
Recreation And Parks Director
Letty Schamp
Transportation And Mobility Director