City of Richmond, Virginia


With over 4,000 employees, the City of Richmond is an "Employer of Choice" among cities throughout the nation. The City strives to hire and retain employees who bring dedication and talent to the workforce. The City offers a full range of benefit programs from “initial hire” through retirement. Pl... Read more





Org chart

Mayor Stoney

Lincoln Saunders
Chief Administrative Officer (cao)
Morgan Dehaven
Chief Election Officer
Shelley Foultz
Chief Deputy Clerk
Bobby Stith
Chief Of Security
Robert Stone
Deputy Director, Sr. - Department Of Public Utilities
Sheila White
Director Of Finance
Umesh Dalal
City Auditor/ Inspector General (director Of Internal Audit)
Nathan Barnette
Chief Risk Officer
Lynnette Lemon
Deputy Director, Senior Of Customer Service
Stephen Willoughby
Director Of Emergency Communications, Preparedness & Response
Bill Wooldridge
Juvenile Community Programs Manager
Eva Colen
Director, Office Of Children & Families
Karla Almendarez- Ramos
Manager, Office Of Immigrant And Refugee Engagement
Patrick Odehnal
Project Development Manager