Felipe Alfredo Chacón Tapia

Prevention & Performance Audit Manager at Contraloría General de la República del Perú

Felipe Alfredo Chacón Tapia is an economist specialized in social projects in the areas of formulation, planning, management, monitoring and evaluation, co-financed by the World Bank -IBRD, Inter-American Development Bank -IDB. He participated in the execution of social programs and projects with the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Ministry of Education, Justice Administration System where he was in charge of formulating operational plans, monitoring and evaluating projects. He has participated in the Evaluation of the Design and Execution of Budget Programs by Results of State Purchases, Citizen Security and Rural Sanitation. Professor of Management of Social Projects and Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects in the Faculty of Management and Senior Management of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru - PUCP, and of Planning, Management.