

Credera is a business and technology consulting firm that provides management consulting, technology solutions, and business intelligence services. It works with Fortune 1,000 companies, medium-sized businesses, government organizations, and clients across a broad range of industries.The company is... Read more

Org chart

Justin Bell's profile picture
Justin Bell
CEO & President
Profile photo

Justin Bell

Chris Dean's profile picture
Chris Dean
Global CEO, Consulting
Thomas Vogt's profile picture
Thomas Vogt
CEO, Germany
Kevin Mcdonald's profile picture
Kevin Mcdonald
CEO, Asia Pacific
Dejon Yeoman's profile picture
Dejon Yeoman
CEO, Digital, UK
Ali Alkhafaji's profile picture
Ali Alkhafaji
Global CEO, Digital
Mahesh Agrawal's profile picture
Mahesh Agrawal
CEO, Pega Practice
Jason Goth
Global CTO
Phil Lockhart
Chief Digital Officer / Partner
Dennis Schumacher
Global Chief Financial Officer
Trent Sutton
Global Chief Operating Officer
Nickoria Johnson
Global Chief Diversity Officer
Emily Schulhoff
Global Chief Communications Officer
Jake Carter
Global Chief Innovation Officer
Renu Hooda
Global Chief People Officer
Sarah Hood
Chief Growth Officer, UK
Vincent Yates
Global Chief Data Scientist
Scott Hensley
Partner, Global Client Lead
Greg Athas
Antony Caldaroni
Principal Architect
Rich Sturm
Principal & Market Lead
Manan Bhandari
Delivery Head
Tom Osborne
Director & Credera Australia & New Zealand Market Lead
Dan Hazell
Director & Credera Australia & New Zealand Delivery Lead
Joshua Shama
Senior Talent Acquisition Partner
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