Dai-ichi Life Insurance Myanmar


Dai-ichi Life is a leading life insurance provider from Japan and has been offering long-term financial protection and life insurance services to our customers and their families for over one hundred years.





Org chart

Aung San
Avp, Agency Territory Head
Cong Bin Lim
Chief Actuary
Dr. Khin May Lynn
Director Of Communications
Yuta Kasaki
Senior Vice President
Myo thi ha zaw
Area Division Head ( AVP)
Poh Poh Myint, SPHRi™
SVP, Head of HR & Admin
Puey Chyan Looi
Chief Operations Officer
Rakesh Das
Head Of Agency Strategy (svp)
Sridhar Raman
Chief Distribution Officer
Tin Nu Yee
Area Distribution Head
Yan Aung
Vp, Head Of IT & Business Transformation Task Force
Yumon Phyo
Head Of Legal Compliance Department
Zin Mon Thu (Zar Zar)
Vice President, Division Head, Bancassurance