Phil Dover

Independent Governor at Derby College

Phil graduated from Nottingham University in 1981 with a Joint Honours in Chemistry and Biochemistry. He did a PGCE course at Sheffield University before starting his teaching career at Noel-Baker School in 1984 teaching Science. He moved to Lees Brook Community School in 1989 and over the years gained promotion to various leadership roles eventually becoming a Head Teacher in 2009. As Head Teacher he guided Lees Brook from being a Local Authority school to becoming a Trust School and then converting to an academy in 2011.

Phil has been a Lead Practitioner for The Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, planning and delivering to school leaders at conferences on the new Secondary Curriculum Design Programme. He was Chair of the SSAT Vocational Specialist Schools Steering Group and sat on the Head Teachers’ Steering Group. He is a Local Leader of Education and a member of the Planning Group for the Derby City Secondary Head Teachers’ Education Improvement Partnership. He has been invited to speak at government seminars and mentors newly appointed Head Teachers.