Jennifer Sultzaberger

CEO & Director of Sales at vidit

Known by colleagues and peers as a digital marketing expert with an entrepreneurial spirit, Jennifer’s background includes over 16 years’ experience in digital marketing and 22 years in traditional marketing.

Her entrepreneurial road began in 2006 when she founded Find It Media, a firm specializing in boutique SEO solutions. Jennifer’s most recent venture is built around her patented technology for #vidit, a high performance video campaign platform. Applying her considerable knowledge of (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) and social media, #vidit is designed to deliver superior targeting and response rates, while lowering campaign cost-per-lead (CPL) for improved ROI.

Jennifer’s early career experience included working for industry giants such as Pitney Bowes, AT&T Wireless, Verizon Wireless and The Cobalt Group.

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