Vinicio Braga

Back End Software Engineer at Docket Brasil

Vinicio Braga has work experience as a Back End Software Engineer at Docket Brasil since October 2022. Prior to that, they worked as a Desenvolvedor Java at the same company, being part of the innovation team, developing new products, resolving issues, and conducting functionality tests. Vinicio also has experience as a Desenvolvedor web at Nimbi S/A, where they worked on web development using the Outsystems platform, resolving issues, and conducting tests.

Vinicio Braga's education history is as follows:

- From 2019 to 2020, Vinicio attended São Paulo Tech School - SPTech, where they pursued a Curso Superior de Tecnologia (CST) in Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas - Coding.

- In 2017 and 2018, Vinicio studied at Senai São Paulo, completing a Técnico degree in Mecânica.

- From 2015 to 2016, Vinicio attended NEMC Natasha Franco Vieira Educação Profissional, where they earned a Técnico degree in Informática para internet.

In addition to their formal education, Vinicio Braga has obtained several certifications. These include:

- "SPRING BOOT E TESTE: PROFILES, TESTES E DEPLOY" from Alura, obtained in August 2021.

- "Spring Boot API REST: construa uma API" from Alura, obtained in August 2021.

- "Spring Boot API Rest: Segurança da API, Cache e Monitoramento" from Alura, obtained in August 2021.

- "Spring MVC: autenticação com Spring Security, API Rest e AJAX" from Alura, obtained in August 2021.

- "Java Servlet: autenticação, autorização e o padrão MVC" from Alura, obtained in June 2021.

- "Java Servlet: programação web Java" from Alura, obtained in June 2021.

- "Java e JDBC: trabalhando com um banco de dados" from Alura, obtained in June 2021.

- "Java e JPA: consultas avançadas, performance e modelos complexos" from Alura, obtained in June 2021.

- "Maven: gerenciamento de dependências e build de aplicações Java" from Alura, obtained in June 2021.

- "Persistência com JPA: Hibernate" from Alura, obtained in June 2021.

- "Spring Data JPA: Repositórios, Consultas, Projeções e Specifications" from Alura, obtained in June 2021.

- "SPRING MVC: WEB APP COM THYMELEAF E BOOTSTRAP" from Alura, obtained in February 2021.

- "ORACLE ONE: FRONT-END" from Alura Cursos Online, obtained in October 2020.

- "HTML5 e CSS3: Avançando no CSS - 8 horas" from Alura Cursos Online, obtained in August 2020.

- "JavaScript: Programando na linguagem da web - 20 horas" from Alura Cursos Online, obtained in August 2020.

- "Lógica de programação I: JavaScript e HTML" from Alura Cursos Online, obtained in August 2020.

- "jQuery: Domine a biblioteca mais popular do mercado" from Alura Cursos Online, obtained in August 2020.

- "Módulo Compra - Nível Avançado" from Nimbi S/A, obtained in September 2019.

- "Scrum Foundations Professional Certificate (SFPC)" from CertiProf, obtained in August 2019.

- "CertiProf Continuous Learner" from CertiProf, obtained in August 2020.



  • Back End Software Engineer

    October, 2022 - present

  • Desenvolvedor Java

    December, 2020