Edward Waters University


Founded in 1866, Edward Waters College is the first private institution of higher learning in Florida. Likewise, EWC is the first historically Black college (HBCU) in Florida on the first coast of Florida.




Org chart

A. Zachary Faison Jr.
President & CEO

A. Zachary Faison Jr.

Donna H. Oliver
Provost & SVP, Academic Affairs
Jame’l R. Hodges
Vice President Of Student Success And Engagement
Jennifer Price
Vice President For Enrollment Management And Strategic Matriculant Services
Ivana Rich
Associate Vice President & Director Of Intercollegiate Athletics
Michael T. West
Vice President
Archie L. Bouie
Vice President For Finance Administration And Business Innovation/cfo
J. Allen Walker
Chief Information Officer
Genyne Henry Boston
Provost And Senior Vice President For Academic Affairs
Shawana D. Scott
Assistant To The President And CEO

Board & advisors