Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles


The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles is headquartered at 840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90026. More than 150 years serving Southern California and the Central Coast, with 133 congregations from Santa Maria to San Clemente, Santa Monica to Needles.





Org chart

John Harvey Taylor
Bishop Diocesan

John Harvey Taylor

Molly Ruttan
Freelance Art Director
Susan S.
Chief Financial Officer-director Of Finance
Diane Bruce
Bishop Suffragan
Janet Kawamoto
Editor, The Episcopal News
Joanna Satorius
Canon For Formation And Transitions Ministry
Joshua Wong M.div
Candidate For Priesthood
Julie Dean Larsen
Canon, Vice Chancellor
Kay Lindahl
Honorary Canon
the Rev. Dr. Beverly Factor
Episcopal Priest Specializing In Congregational Development
Tom Quijada-Discavage
Canon For Formation And Transition Ministry
Will Crist
Priest In The Episcopal Church
Peter Huang
Missioner For Asian American Ministries
the Rev Sarah W. Nichols
Spiritual Care Counselor