Naturalis Biodiversity Center

1 follower

We are Naturalis Biodiversity Center. Through our impressive collection, knowledge and data, we record all life on Earth. This is important, as our future depends on biodiversity. Everything in nature is connected, and balance is vitally important for its continued existence. Naturalis has a passion... Read more




Org chart

Dimitris Koureas' profile picture
Dimitris Koureas
Managing Director For Digital Strategy & Innovation / Chief Information Officer
Profile photo

Dimitris Koureas

Ayco Holleman's profile picture
Ayco Holleman
Lead Developer Java
Eva van der Veer's profile picture
Eva van der Veer
Operational Lead Edentity
Niels Raes' profile picture
Niels Raes
Programme Manager Biodiversity Informatics
Frederic Lens' profile picture
Frederic Lens
Group Leader Functional Traits
Jasper Kamp
Head Of ICT
Sander Bal's profile picture
Sander Bal
Senior Applicatiebeheerder
Mark van Nieuwstadt
Project Manager
Robert Rijsbergen
System- And Networkmanager
Tekla Boersma
Wouter Addink
Coordinator Research-data And E-infrastructure
Doortje van der Haar
HR Business Partner
Kees de Waard
Head Of IT
Wilfred Gerritsen
Afdelingshoofd Applicatieontwikkeling En -beheer
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