Firsthand Alliance


Started by a group of Salesforce-acquired founders and executives, our group has grown to include well-respected entrepreneurs, executives, and operators who have done things firsthand. Our vision is to rapidly become the most valuable community for ambitious founders building the future of B2B fro... Read more

Org chart

Simon Chan's profile picture
Simon Chan
Managing Partner
Profile photo

Simon Chan

Cheryl Porro
Limited Partner
Dessie Sadrzadeh's profile picture
Dessie Sadrzadeh
Angel Partner
Giuliano Iacobelli's profile picture
Giuliano Iacobelli
Limited Partner
Kenn So's profile picture
Kenn So
Venture Partner
Mike Kreaden's profile picture
Mike Kreaden
Lp/angel Partner
Phil Calvin's profile picture
Phil Calvin
Angel Partner
Raymond Yip
Limited Partner
Yunkai Zhou
Limited Partner
Samantha Anderl
Limited Partner
