German Bionic


German Bionic is the first German exoskeleton manufacturer for industrial use. By focusing on increasing efficiency and productivity as well as reducing costs and work-related injuries, German Bionic Systems is in the forefront of the Industry 4.0 revolution.






Armin G. Schmidt
CEO and Co-Founder

Armin G. Schmidt

Peter Heiligensetzer
CTO and Co-Founder
Thomas Leliveld
Head of Global Sales
Eric Eitel
Head Of Global Communications
Jonathan Silverman
Head of Human Resources
Marius K.
Head of Mechanical R&D
Meghan Kennelly
Head of Global Marketing
Michael Roland Sven Halbherr
Co-Founder and Chairman Board of Directors
Roberto Di Marco
Head of Sales
Hideo Yamashita
Director, Japan
Alana Lefèvre
Head of Operations
Fabian Glasbrenner
Ian Schumacher, MBA
Customer Success Manager - North America
Lehasa M.
Sales Manager - West
Jan-Philipp Jeinsen
Customer Success Manager & Sales Manager
Andy Bridgewater CFSP
UK Sales Manager
Ali Uzun
Sales Manager
Tim Knust
Sales Manager // Americas
Louis Darfeuille
Senior Sales Manager France
Andre Jutel
UK Sales Manager
Dave Lewis
Eastern Region Exoskeleton Sales Consultant
Tyler Modjeska
Sales Manager, Midwest - United States