
1 follower

Giift is a global loyalty solutions provider that maximizes the benefit of loyalty programs for issuers, users, and merchants.





Org chart

Laurent Xatart
Co-Founder & CEO

Laurent Xatart

Pascal Xatart
Co-Founder & General Counsel
Julien Recan
Group COO & MD, Corporate Rewards Services
Amaury Berthet
Chief Marketing & Digital Officer
Kushal Agrawal
CSO, Employee Rewards & Incentive
Shreerang Gondegaonkar
CTO, Corporate & Merchant Loyalty
Abhishek Kumar
CTO, Employee Rewards & Incentive
Manoj Agrawal
Chief Product Officer, Employee Rewards & Incentive
Sumit Khandelwal
Group President & MD, Employee Rewards, Incentive & Payout
Yinzhu Zhou
Chief Product Officer
Rajesh Shinde
Creative Head
Yogesh Wagh
Head Of Delivery - Technology
Ahmed Khalifa
Group Chief Revenue Officer
Joy G.
Senior Vice President
Anindo Bandyopadhyay
Chief Technology Officer-compass
Srivatsan Mohan
Chief Technology Officer