Global Traffic Technologies


GTT's Opticom technology empowers you to change the way your city moves. Providing industry-leading solutions for traffic, transit, and emergency services for 50 years.





Org chart

Heidi Brooks
Director, Human Resources
Kristen Rose
Director Of Marketing
Amanda Fore
Director Of Accounting
Todd Splettstoeszer
Test Engineering/support Manager
Craig Carroll
Vice President Of Worldwide Sales
Kaz V.
Executive Assistant To The President
Cpbpm Shannon Bailey
Senior Director, Sales (public Transit)
Adam Gill
Regional Manager
Melissa Anderson
Regional Sales Executive And Channel Manager, Western U.s.
Michelle Finlon
Manager, Business Technologies
אלי שהרבני
Administrative Assistant
Glen Klimek
Director Of Strategic Sales
Christian Kulus
Systems Architect
Anne Roth
Business Information Systems Manager
Kyle Holgate
Technical Services Manager
Patrick Foster
Technical Project Manager II
Saravanan Rajagopal
Engineering Manager
Andrew Corken
Senior Pre Sales Solutions Engineer
W. Craig Trader
Senior Full Stack Developer
Kyle Anderson
Client Services Representative