Graphic Solutions Group


GSG is a full service wholesale distributor to the apparel decorating, digital print, electrical sign, and commercial markets. With over 60 years of experience in these industries; we are your resource!




Org chart

Mark Granberry

Brandon Granberry
Vice President of Business Development
Beth Wolf
Vice President of Marketing
John Sommers
Vice President of Finance
Brandon Smith
Vice President of Operations
Terri White
Vice President of Human Resources
George Temple
Director of Customer Experience
Matt Smith
Director of National Accounts
Julie Granberry
Purchasing Manager
Van George
Sign Segment Manager
Curt Rainwater
Screen Product Manager
Fred Grates
Screen Segment Manager
Mallory Varner
Vinyl Decorating Segment Manager
Will Jackson
Vice President Of Sales
Michael Roberts
Houston Regional Manager
Kristen Harris
Tulsa Branch Manager
Manuel Garza
Austin Branch Manager
Clark Lanius
Baton Rouge Branch Manager
Matthew Friend
Minneapolis Branch Manager
Steve Guthrie
Oklahoma City Branch Manager