Launched as Google Ventures in 2009, GV is the venture capital arm of Alphabet, Inc. We’ve invested in more than 300 companies that push the edge of what’s possible. In the fields of life science, healthcare, artificial intelligence, robotics, transportation, cyber security, and agriculture, our com... Read more





Org chart

David Krane
CEO & Managing Partner

David Krane

Krishna Yeshwant
Managing Partner
Dave Munichiello
Managing Partner
Karim Faris
General Partner
Michael McBride
General Partner
Tom Hulme
General Partner
Kate Aronowitz
Lead Operations Partner
Crystal Huang
General Partner
Nicole Doherty
Executive Business Partner
Erik Nordlander
Engineering Partner
Greg Dooley
Engineering Partner
Zal Bhathena
Engineering Partner
Gabriel Alatorre
Engineering Partner
John Bui
Engineering Partner
Joe Kraus
Venture Partner
Anthony Philippakis
Venture Partner
David Reshef
Venture Partner
Scott Davis
Venture Partner
Ben Robbins
General Partner
Sridhar Ramaswamy
Entrepreneur in Residence & Venture Partner
Stefany Zelaya
Executive Business Partner
Nicole Radell
Executive Business Partner
Dan Lynch
Executive Venture Partner
Mojca Skoberne
Entrepreneur in Residence
Sangeen Zeb
General Partner
Kieran English
Network Development Partner
Zach Brauer
Finance Partner
Mim West
Executive Business Partner
Maggie Moran
Executive Business Partner
Mandy Stolpa
Partner & Head of Communications
Anika Gupta
Principal, Life Sciences Investments
Ryan Spiers
Associate General Counsel
Kim Burr
Chief Financial Officer
Roni Hiranand
Inga Goldbard
General Counsel
Natalie Schwartz
Head of Marketing
Luke Elder
Legal Counsel
Elizabeth Zeratsky
Legal Counsel
Nicole Gaudelli
Entrepreneur in Residence
Greg Schacht
Financial Analyst