Headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida, GRUBBRR is the leader in self-ordering technologies that are revolutionizing the way commerce is transacted. GRUBBRR’s award-winning ecosystem, which includes kiosks, smart lockers, kitchen display systems, order progress boards, digital menu signage, mobile ord... Read more





Org chart

Sam Zietz

Bhavin Asher
Founder & CTO
Parrish Chapman
Chief Revenue Officer
Jarrett Nasca
Chief Marketing Officer
Ryan Summers
Creative Director
Kellie Magyari
Executive Assistant to Chief Executive Officer
Xavier Paul Salame
Project Manager
Kalpesh Patel
Technical Project Manager
John Krieger
Project Manager
Sagar Sahani
Support Manager
Ishanya Narang
Operations and Communications Manager

Behind the scenes


Be frugal

We take a nickel and stretch it into a dollar.

Problems Create Opportunities

We are innovative optimists who create solutions to challenges.

Passion to win

We believe in being the best at everything we do – second place is never an option.

Act with urgency

Speed is essential in today’s constantly changing world.

No excuses

We are committed to delivering results regardless of the obstacles.

Be an entrepreneur

We are self-motivated and take calculated risks like business owners.