The Leadership Team at Hilltop Holdings is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the company, overseeing its diverse financial services and banking operations. This dynamic group of executives, including CEOs from its subsidiaries, collaborates on key decisions related to risk management, compliance, human resources, and financial oversight, ensuring that the company operates effectively while aligning with its mission to deliver exceptional financial products and services.
Bradley Winges
President & CEO, HilltopSecuri...
Don Foley
Chief Operational Risk & Compl...
Dudley Strawn
Chief Human Resources Officer
Jeremy B. Ford
President & Co-CEO
Jerry Schaffner
President & CEO, PlainsCapital...
Jim Fields
Chief Enterprise Risk Officer
Keith Bornemann
Principal Accounting Officer
Toby Pennycuff
Chief Information Officer
Wayne Becker
Corporate Treasurer and Chief ...
William B. Furr
Chief Financial Officer
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